The new tactics to implement the #CancelCulture are quite ingenious. They are not going after what they want cancelled directly, they are going after how it gets to you! It’s attacking the free market, and it’s harder to spot and harder to fight before it’s done! Read on!


Here’s an example. If there’s a challenge to the normal Social Media platforms, then they aren’t wasting time going after the new app, they are making the app unavailable well more difficult to get. This puts people off from going to the trouble or switching.

They are going to do this in a way you won’t see it coming. They are going to stop it before the source.

Soon, the media is going to be a complete left wing echo-chamber. Social Media, TV and Papers all left wing and you don’t get to say “what about free speech?”

Why? Because they aren’t playing against free speech. They are going after the free market. This also gives you an idea what socialism can and will do.

I don’t expect my account to last long now I’m watching this and exposing it! Please share, stand your ground and don’t quit!
Here’s the proof that CNN are trying to get Fox cancelled at the broadcast level, stop it getting into people’s homes by getting the TV providers to ban it. Again, targeted before what we see as the source. This is also the groundwork for any channel!

In a joke though, Fox has picked up on this. The reaction? Laughed at, it’s just silly to think what they are doing is something they are actually doing! They denied it, but as we can see from the above CNN article, it’s true, why deny it? Pointless!

It’s worth getting CNNs official response to this claim (that they have themselves reported on!)

Keilar called Carlson “entirely fantastical” and also used her Twitter account to call him “a propagandist. A liar. A parasite”

CNN want Fox of the air, and they are doing...

7/ the only way they can. By demanding any carriers of the channel, stop. Again, using the free market to attack free speech. Quite extraordinary, we need to respond! We need to use the market ourselves. Look at the sponsors/advertisers, then we play then at their game...

...look to cut the funding off. It’s the left, they care about money more than anyone else. So, that’s one way. We can use that to defend, or attack. Either way, we can’t let this just “Go” it won’t stop. There will be more, this is just the start, there will be more.

Please RT!
We know that it can be undone (for now). I imagine YouTube looked at the revenue it made from TalkRadio and reconsidered. We don’t have to give up! We can fight, and as long as we are defending legitimate media, we will win! Money talks to the left!

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Is this an official account for Bahcesehir Uni (Bau)?

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BAU’s official Twitter account

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