@It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii Let us take ur claims one by one -
U r talking about -
Impalement of the Jains in Madurai
It was a pious Shaivite triumphal fiction with zero confirmation from Jain sources. In other words the Jains have never claimed that they were persecuted or impaled. If u can show in any

@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii Jain source where it is written that Jains were killed in Tamil Nadu ,than ur claim can be debated
I also noted the images displayed on the temple wall where this persecution is claimed were wearing the sacred thread which is common to Brahmins. So ,they were most probably
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii brahmins of rival philosphy

In Buddhism case ,The Buddhist texts do mention their persecution at hands of Hindus .
But than i pondered
If People left Hinduism when they adopted Buddhism but if that was so ,than it should have happened to every other place where Buddhism spread
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii but clearly it doesnot,
Bonpo Religion in tibet,
Confuciaism,taoism in China ,
shintoism in japan,
Native Pagan traditions and
tengrism,Shamanism,Animism in South East Buddhist Nations
remained intact until recent takeover in last centuries.

So on what assumption can u
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii assume Buddhism conquered India.

Furthermore I found several holes within Buddhist narrative .
Eg - Balaji idol is Buddha's and Vaishnavas converted it later iwth hindu symbols on it.
I investigated and found - Balaji has four arms - no statue of buddha has four arms.
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii Jagannath Puri was a Buddhist Temple .

i compared and contrasted the ground plan and structure with the canons of Buddhist temple building .
Buddhism is a non-theistic monastic religion in which temples are discredited - There are no such Buddhist texts which deal with the
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii details of temple building. There are Buddhist Temples though.
Hindu Temples in India are all constructed exactly according to canons of architecture i.e. Vastu Shastra - Mayamata is one such textbook example. All the Agamas also contain plans for temple building.

the 3d views
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii of Jaganath Puri conforms to those very Vastu Shastra plans. Buddhist temples are not built according to any rules or dictates and are arbitrary.

The Jaganath Puri temple conforms to standard plans found all over India and even South East Asia.
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii The small mandap in front of the main temple is the nāṭya maṇḍapa for holding dance performances. Buddhist temples do not hold dance performances. Final nail in coffin

Further more i noted -
There is no comparison as the philosophy behind the temple structure is different
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii in Hinduism ,Buddhism

The Hindu Agama temple represents the human body and the deity enshrined is a reflection (bimba) of the ātman. So each and every part of the temple has analogue to the human body and the body is symbolic of the Universe which is the “body” of Ishvara.
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii Hinduism being pan-en-theistic.

The Buddhist temple on the other hand has no such symbolism and is just a structure which houses an image of the Buddha or Bodhisattva for the purpose of veneration and celebration. A Buddhist temple is built like a Royal palace - Prasād where the
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii Buddha is a Royal personage.
If any Buddhist can show to me-
Where did Buddha say to construct temples and idols and to worship them? Why do Buddhist worship his relics?

I will accept the claim

Furthermore Buddhistb Lies are carefully crafted- like there were 84000 stupas
@Indian65980982 @It_is_HitS @ANKURJAIN1811 @Charmi_Ankit @VedicWisdom1 @Sameeksha_India @YashodhanGandhi @Dikshit99_Bhatt @Dharma_Granth @truejainology @jaintrue @kshemsmita @arpitjain__ @jindeshna @JainPayal12 @jainheritage @ankitjain2191 @prithvi525 @Pureminority @1AakashJain @YoungJainsIndia @_Swagittarius @Mjmansijain @JainMaggii which were destroyed by Hindu Kings which i also demolished successfully.
Although Budhism was responsible for destruction of India ,This i realized

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Ambedker's 22 vows Vs BUDDHISM

/Read it Full /

Ambedker-1: I shall have no faith in Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh nor shall I worship them

BUDDHISM: I believe in them as a subordinate to buddha, we have different philoshphical model regarding them,we have many eg ,My many sect...

.Worship them , respect them ; some sects consider them to be emanation of Boddhisatva Avlokiteshwara,In tantra they are worshipped

A2:  I shall have no faith in Rama and Krishna who are believed to be incarnation of God nor shall I worship them

B: Buddha says Rama was his.

.. previous life ,and Krishna was one of previous life of Sariputta ,My many sects worship them as previous life of Buddha, Krishna is not very much known but his sculpture is seen in Buddhist temples,you can pay respect to them atleast

A3: shall have no faith in ‘Gauri’, Ganapati and other gods and goddesses of Hindus nor shall I worship them

B: Hindu goddess gauri and Ganesha is widely accepted by us we have our own mantra for them ,they seek dharini from buddha ,Our some sects worship them

A4: I do not believe in the incarnation of God
B: Ok! This is acceptable,but we do have previous life/births of Buddha and rebirth ,which you Rejected

A5: I do not and shall not believe that Lord Buddha was the incarnation of Vishnu I believe this to be sheer madness and false

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अस्य श्री गायत्री ध्यान श्लोक:
(gAyatri dhyAna shlOka)
• This shloka to meditate personified form of वेदमाता गायत्री was given by Bhagwaan Brahma to Sage yAgnavalkya (याज्ञवल्क्य).

• 14th shloka of गायत्री कवचम् which is taken from वशिष्ठ संहिता, goes as follows..

• मुक्ता-विद्रुम-हेम-नील धवलच्छायैर्मुखस्त्रीक्षणै:।
muktA vidruma hEma nIla dhavalachhAyaiH mukhaistrlkShaNaiH.

• युक्तामिन्दुकला-निबद्धमुकुटां तत्वार्थवर्णात्मिकाम्॥
yuktAmindukalA nibaddha makutAm tatvArtha varNAtmikam.

• गायत्रीं वरदाभयाङ्कुश कशां शुभ्रं कपालं गदाम्।
gAyatrIm vardAbhayANkusha kashAm shubhram kapAlam gadAm.

• शंखं चक्रमथारविन्दयुगलं हस्तैर्वहन्ती भजै॥
shankham chakramathArvinda yugalam hastairvahantIm bhajE.

This shloka describes the form of वेदमाता गायत्री.

• It says, "She has five faces which shine with the colours of a Pearl 'मुक्ता', Coral 'विद्रुम', Gold 'हेम्', Sapphire 'नील्', & a Diamond 'धवलम्'.

• These five faces are symbolic of the five primordial elements called पञ्चमहाभूत:' which makes up the entire existence.

• These are the elements of SPACE, FIRE, WIND, EARTH & WATER.

• All these five faces shine with three eyes 'त्रिक्षणै:'.