Agree. One point on Bihar though- at least the APMC monopoly repeal had already happened in Bihar well before this law passed at the Union level. So it wouldn’t be an issue anyway. But I totally agree with the broader point- this is a protest concentrated only in one state.

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Now this is provoking me to write!

The schism of BJP- RSS ideology.

Full blown Schizophrenia if one wants to psychoanalyze BJP.
#doublebind where a parent keeps giving double messages to their confused children. They adore the parent for one thing and hate them for another.

How can BJP sustain itself with this kind of internal schism? In other words no samanjas or clarity of what they stand for?

Its exploding now. The madness.
People airing out Gandhi's sexuality out of context and irrelevant to him being killed by Godse.Supporting Godse's action

But not understanding that the same reasons why Godse was killed are the reasons why BJP leaders today hail Gandhi as Bapu or Mahatma. On #MartyrsDay
Very dangerous mind or #headgames being played out here. Our country is a large scale mental asylum with broken psyche.

Sanatana Dharma does not need more Nathuram Godses. We need more Shri Vidyaranyas and Adi Shankaras who would build Hindu Rajya through Raja and kshatriya Dharma.
Nathuram Godse as a Brahmana weakened his brahmanatwam by adopting a Nationalist ideology.

Instead he could have used his pourusham to garber a Sanatani movement to fight against INC and Gandhian ideology.

He dissented from RSS and started his own Hindu Rashtra Dal and also was a member of Hindu Mahasabha. However he did not fall back on our darshana s to understand
Hindutva does not belong to Modi nor his party, it belongs to the people as a unifying, decolonial ideology similar to pan-Africanism or Yugoslavism.

His own brand of "positive secularism" is even milder - deepening special rights and welfare schemes for religious minorities.

After the disbanding of the Hindu Mahasabha and Jana Sangh, Hindutva as a political ideology does not even exist, except as a bogeyman in the minds of the Anglophone elite.

Even the BJP gave up Hindutva for civic nationalism, Gandhian socialism, and positive secularism in 1980s.

Under Modi, there has been compete policy continuity on minority rights and welfare from the Congress era, with little to no "Hindutva agenda" coming to see the light of day.

The most radical policy they can dream of is religion-neutral laws and equal rights for equal citizens.

Hindutva was essential in forming a national consciousness, but was abandoned with time. The modern BJP refuses to self-identify as a Hindutva movement, adopting moderates like Sardar Patel, Deendayal Upadhyay, and JP Narayan as their icons, rather than Savarkar or the Mahasabha.

When they say Hindu Rashtra, all they mean is an "Indic polity".

When British India was partitioned into a Muslim homeland and a Dharmic homeland, one state became a 'Ghazi' garrison state, and one the successor state to the Indic
Many are upset at the bus attacks & Red Fort events during #FarmersProtest.
But have you paused to think what has brought about this situation? While magnifying impulsive actions by some protesters, do you miss to see State's systematic violence and erosion of rule of law?

If you are a believer in Constitution and legitimate processes, then the manner in which the Centre pushed the #FarmLaws & handled the #FarmersProstests should leave you distressed.

First, Centre brings these laws as Ordinances on subjects which are apparently in state list, through a colorable use of concurrent list. Principle of federalism negated, at least in spirit, if not in letter.

Then, bills are passed in Parliament without effective discussions.

No one can say for sure if the bills were actually passed in vote in Rajya Sabha. The whole process was brazenly dubious. The live telecast was stopped amid protests. Really shameful events.

So, lawful processes to address dissent undermined.

Then some farm groups approach the Supreme Court raising some pertinent questions on constitutionality. Instead of considering legality, court ventures into political thicket by attempting mediation, that too with a hand-picked committee having only members supporting #FarmLaws .

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