Every piece of fitness advice I could come up with after 6 years in the gym:

1. Stop drinking alcohol.

2. Fasted workouts burn 20% more calories
3. 30 minutes is all the time you need to get in shape
4. Sun exposure can boost testosterone levels by as much as 69%
5. Don’t post gym pics for attention
6. Find a woman who loves to cook for you
7. Higher reps/lower weight to lose weight
8. Heavier weight/fewer reps to build mass
9. Never sacrifice form for heavier weight
10. Morning workouts lead to healthier decisions throughout the day
11. 10,000 steps per day is huge for weight loss
12. Increase weight or reps each week to get stronger
13. If you’re not gaining weight, you’re not eating enough
14. Train core 4-5x per week
15. Fasting + black coffee in the morning are great for burning fat
16. If you’re not losing weight, you’re eating too much or not burning enough calories
17. A few sets of dumbbells and a bench are all you need to get shredded
18. Healthy eating is easier than you think. Get a bunch of eggs, ground meat, and fruit
19. Don’t expect instant results. Take a picture of your physique on day 1, committ to the routine for 6 months, reflect on how far you’ve come at that point
20. You don’t need to follow a strict diet. Just eat whole foods and prioritize protein
21. Develop a sleep routine. Quality sleep will make your muscles grow & recover faster while burning fat quicker.
22. Working out with a partner will prevent you from using your phone during workouts.
23. Find exercises you enjoy and do them routinely. Fancy isn’t necessary
24. Lift legs 2-3x per week. This will help ALL muscles grow faster
25. Do back workouts to build depth in your physique
26. 75% of your meals should be protein
27. You cannot control *where* you burn fat. You just have to be patient
28. If your muscles are in pain, let them rest & workout a different part of your body
29. Injury prevention should be your #1 priority at all costs
30. Don’t underestimate the 2.5pound weights. Use these to get stronger gradually
31. Drink room-temperature water when working out
32. The people you meet at the gym will be the nicest people you’ll ever meet
33. Running shoes are the worst thing you can lift in. Flat-bottoms only
34. Take creatine if you’re trying to put on mass
35. The easiest way to get addicted to the gym is by doing workouts you genuinely enjoy for the first couple weeks. Once you’ve developed the habit of “going” then try doing new exercises
36. If you expect results instantly, you will fail. If you give yourself 12 months and just do the right things on a consistent basis, you’ll transform your entire life
37. If you’re not tracking calories, you’ll struggle to gain/lose weight. Use MyFitnessPal or hire a coach to make this easier
38. Lifting with perfect form should be your focus at all times.
39. Get 30 minutes of direct sun every day
40. You will never regret going to the gym even when you didn’t feel like it before
41. Use a high-quality protein powder to help you hit protein goals
42. 90% of what you drink should be water
43. Healthy eating is just as easy as unhealthy eating. You just don’t know “what” to eat. Eggs, ground meat & fruit are super quick to make.
44. If you have full-f*cking belief that you can make this happen, you’ll be unstoppable. Believe in yourself
At the end of the day, nothing in this list matters if you’re not going to get started today

“Oh I’ll start tomorrow” but will you?

I used to be scrawny, depressed, and had zero-confidence

Now I love every minute that I’m alive

Getting in shape will change your life forever.
I hope you enjoyed reading.

If you learned a few things, please retweet the first tweet for others to see

& Bookmark this thread to reference later

The body, physique, and confidence you desire is closer than you think

Go f*cking get it

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अस्य श्री गायत्री ध्यान श्लोक:
(gAyatri dhyAna shlOka)
• This shloka to meditate personified form of वेदमाता गायत्री was given by Bhagwaan Brahma to Sage yAgnavalkya (याज्ञवल्क्य).

• 14th shloka of गायत्री कवचम् which is taken from वशिष्ठ संहिता, goes as follows..

• मुक्ता-विद्रुम-हेम-नील धवलच्छायैर्मुखस्त्रीक्षणै:।
muktA vidruma hEma nIla dhavalachhAyaiH mukhaistrlkShaNaiH.

• युक्तामिन्दुकला-निबद्धमुकुटां तत्वार्थवर्णात्मिकाम्॥
yuktAmindukalA nibaddha makutAm tatvArtha varNAtmikam.

• गायत्रीं वरदाभयाङ्कुश कशां शुभ्रं कपालं गदाम्।
gAyatrIm vardAbhayANkusha kashAm shubhram kapAlam gadAm.

• शंखं चक्रमथारविन्दयुगलं हस्तैर्वहन्ती भजै॥
shankham chakramathArvinda yugalam hastairvahantIm bhajE.

This shloka describes the form of वेदमाता गायत्री.

• It says, "She has five faces which shine with the colours of a Pearl 'मुक्ता', Coral 'विद्रुम', Gold 'हेम्', Sapphire 'नील्', & a Diamond 'धवलम्'.

• These five faces are symbolic of the five primordial elements called पञ्चमहाभूत:' which makes up the entire existence.

• These are the elements of SPACE, FIRE, WIND, EARTH & WATER.

• All these five faces shine with three eyes 'त्रिक्षणै:'.