Mega-Thread: 50 Pearls of Wisdom from Rakesh Jhunjhunwala on Life and Stock Markets

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1) Never in my life have I have made an investment when a stock is popular.
In fact, I like to invest when the stock is not popular.

2) If a girl is beautiful a suitor will come.
If a stock is beautiful, a suitor will come.
So I don’t search for suitors when I invest.
3) Respect the market.
Know what to stake.
Know when to take a loss.
Be responsible.

4) Emotional reactions are a sure way to make a loss in stock markets.
5) Anticipate trends and benefit from them.

6) Traders must go against human nature.

7) Successful investors are opportunistic and optimistic ones.

8) Growth comes out of chaos.
9) The market is above individuals. The market is rational. An individual can never be smarter than the market.

10) Maximize profits and minimize losses.

11) Invest in a business,
not a company.

12) When in doubt, listen to your heart.
13) Whatever you can do or dream- you can,
Just begin it.

14) Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

15) Aspire, but never envy.
16) Always keep some cash in hand so that you can grab the opportunity when it occurs.

17) Blindly following stock picks by big investors is not a wise thing to do.

18) Build a fighting spirit — take the bad with the good.
19) Give your investments time to mature.
Be Patient for the World to discover your gems.

20) Never get carried away by aberrations, recognize and respect them but do remember that the market corrects its aberration though it takes time.
21) Buy as the market is rising,
Sell as the market is falling.

22) Teji me sab ka bol bala,
mandi me sab ka muh kala.

23) Trading always keeps you on your feet, it keeps you alert. That’s the key reason why I like to trade.
24) First thing I’ve learned is that markets work.
They are the best mechanism to build societies.

25) Either don’t come to markets or don’t regret what you have done.

26) I only make mistakes, which I can afford, where I can live to begin again.
27) You do not succeed without obsession.

28) Always know what to stake and when to take a loss.

29) In the market you have to be like a chameleon, always changing your colors and going with the trend. You’re lost if try to go against it.
30) See the world as it is, rather than what you would like it to be.

31) When opportunities come, they can come through technology, marketing, brands, value protections, capital, etc. You need to be able to spot those.
32) I initially wanted to become a broker, but I didn’t have the capital to be a broker, so I started investing.

33) Markets make excesses but those excesses come to an end. You have to learn to judge how long will that excess last and when will it end.
34) Trading is by default against human nature.

35) You have to lose many a battle to win the war.

36) As a rule in trading never ever average down.
37) My decision to aggressively invest in the Indian equities at the right time was a significant determinant of my wealth.

38) Value investing is relevant in all circumstances. But thought processes and principles are dynamic and not static. Be open to change.
39) Prepare for losses. Losses are part and parcel of stock market investor life

40) If you see an opportunity, grab it today!
41) If you believe in the growth prospects of a company, just invest in the stock and give it sufficient time.

42) Greedy investors will never make money in stock markets. Book profits as well.
43) Never put your hard-earned money without proper research. Never invest according to “Stock tips”.

44) Never react and change your investment decisions according to daily business news
45) Invest in companies that have strong management and competitive advantage.

46) Panic selling is a bad habit.

47) Never invest at unreasonable valuations. Never run for companies that are in limelight.
48) I have learned two things about the press and wives. When they say something – don’t react.

49) Be paranoid of success — never take it for granted. Realize success can be temporary and transient.
50) Like your wife, markets are always right.
With your wife, you can argue,
But with markets, you can’t.

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