1/n How come we still have academics sustaining narratives of #obesity rather than of how real people find value & meaning in everyday lives? Revisit @whatsthepont on @tobyjlowe / @snowded & accept criticising "neoliberal" does not make things

New out 🤯 A review which says lots about the academic context in which it was written - with its embedded behaviorist fixations on just implementing *better* - with complete disregard for the unintended consequences of treating "agency" as a dirty word 👇
In all #becausehuman fields, we see justifiable professional kick-back at reductionist agendas driven by a focus on #obesity & nonsensical CMO guidance of 60 min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per day for healthy growth and development 👇
What's fundamentally missing is not just a respect for complexity. It's respect for Homo-Narrans - for the ordinary, everyday story-telling folk all around us whose aspirations & dispositions provide the context in which we find meaning, purpose & value 👇
We don't need spurious arguments against initiatives... but let's consider ethics & unintended consequences - on which, see @snowded (especially around epistemic justice) #becausehuman
Remember @ChristianSeelos? - "Please, don't make systems work for people, because this is [...] everything that's wrong with the sector. Making stuff work for others. Help people discover & steer and own their own pathways for a change" 😍 @NewSystemAlly
What helps people find pleasure and/or meaning in movement? How have any of us come to find pastimes which form major stablising influences in our lives in ways which sustain our physically-active lifestyles?
If we're evaluating initiatives... can we be sensitive to what's found meaningful & significant in ordinary lives? Yesterday, @marcoAdelgadoF raised questions about our assumptions about play - reminding us to focus on the "anthro" in Anthro-Complexity? 👇
Societal outcomes "emerge through the dynamic and unpredictable interaction of biological factors, personal decision making, multiple service agency interventions, & broader social determinants" - @tobyjlowe & a very different @SystemsHuman approach!
Summary - we need to get beyond a fixation on #obesity - that's not a problem which needs medicalising, it's a symptom of deeper-lying systematic issues. Also - if progressives on the left aren't uncomfortable with "compliance" then we're in real trouble!

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