#AWeekToRemember Thread:

I stumbled across this when I was re-reading old Drops, like we were advised to by 17, and I'll explain why I think this week starting today, is the WEEK TO REMEMBER.

We're all chomping at our bit for arrests.
Most of us have been waiting for awhile now, and ever since President Trump's personal acct was permanently suspended from Twitter, we can almost taste the arrests coming.
Ok, "A Week To Remember" - keep in mind, this would be President Trump's last week in office in his 1st term, thus also why #AWeekToRemember.
• Drop 1357:
- WHAT must happen pre 11.11?
- 11.11 provided as strategic marker.
- Strength = Military
- Justice = Tribunals

I'll explain.
Q: How do you write January Eleventh out as a date in America?

A: 01/11/21

Q: How do we usually shorten it when conversing & given the year is understood?

A: 01/11

Q: Can you see what I see?

A: Now, turn forward slash (/) upright.

Q: Now do you see?

A: 1111 = 11.11
Now, I started staring at this post & I wondered if there was more to this.

• 11.11.18

What if you split the #'s of 11.11.18?
Like in groups of 3's.
1.) 11.1
2.) 1.18

Now this is just theorizing that 11.11.18 could be the WEEK TO REMEMBER!

If you split up 11.1 1.18 and add a hyphen, you get a date range after removing decimals.

• 11 1 & 1 18
• 1/11 & 1/18
• 7 day difference

I recalled seeing a 7 somewhere & voila!
• Drop 582:
- :stay at home<
- [-7]
- Safe comms (> for Whit Hats)
Could that [-7] be connected to this week? We'll have to wait & see.

But the following is eerily lining up that it possibly could.

• We've seen Lin Wood's bomb-drops on Parler about telecoms & Devin Nunes stating Parler will be terminated at midnight.
Just checked my Parler app & looks like [they] terminated Parler. My app us just spinning with no info popping up.
Okay, now let me tell you the juicy stuff I stumbled upon that blew my mind cause it was right in front of us the entire time!

• Who is the 1st Indictment unsealed?
• Who is the 2nd?
• When?
☆Drop 15:
• 11.3 - Podesta indicted
• 11.6 - Huma indicted

Do you see what I see? Right on top of one another?!

• 11.11
• as in => 1/11 as in January 11th.
• The 'STRATEGIC' marker from Drop 1357.
• Strength = MILITARY
• Justice = TRIBUNALS

PODESTA & HUMA on deck.
Now same Drops of 15 & 34 referencing Podesta & Huma indicted.

Apply same logic & reasoning I used above with decoding 11.11.

• 11.3 - Arrest announcement of Podesta
• 11.4 - Actionable on Podesta
• 11.6 - Huma indicted.
Now remove all decimals and add a forward slash after each 1st number in each set.

• 11.3 => 1/13 - Podesta indicted announcement
• 11.4 => 1/14 - Podesta actionable arrest
• 11.6 => 1/16 - Huma indicted
Then you add the above to knowing this is President Trump's final week in his 1st term.

#AWeekToRemember #BOOMweek

☆ADD all #'s in Drop 3332: 3+3+3+2 = 11
• "This is only the start."
[D-1] [E-2] [C-3] [L-4] [A-5] [S-6]

☆IMPORTANT Drop: 2177 - EO 13526
- Declassification has been blocked.
- White House is cleaning out
- Due for Declas
- Add EO #'s for a smile (13526)
- #BoomWeekAhead
#STAYTUNED and watch!
• This week: EMS
• 🍿
• Arrests
Anons modern day Codebreakers.

More from For later read

Part of what is going on here is that large sectors of evangelicalism are poorly equipped to help people deal with basic struggles, let alone the ubiquitous pornography addictions that most of their men have been enslaved to for years.

On the one hand, there's a high standard of holiness. On the other hand, there's a model of growth that is basically "Try Harder to Mean it More." Identify the relevant scriptural truth & believe it with all of your sincerity so that you may access the Holy Spirit's help to obey.

Helping sincere believers believe and obey the Bible facts is pretty much all the Holy Spirit does these days, other than convict us of our sins in light of the Bible facts.

If you know you are sincere and hate your sin and believe the right Bible facts as hard as you can but continue to be enslaved to your pornography addiction, what else left for you to do? Just Really, Just Really, Just Really Trust God and Give it to Him?

To suggest that there are other strategies available sounds to those formed in this model of growth like one is also suggesting that the Bible is insufficient, but it also suggests something just as threatening- that there are aspects of reality that are not immediately apparent.

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