My DMs tell me that I look like I'm not ok from this thread. ⤵️

I am not ok.

This is not ok.

But it isn't just this series of's that this series of events comes from years of escalation and lack of enforcement, and by all appearances will be followed by the same.

We are at a point where our governance is run by elected officials that increasingly are caricatures of positions, not legislators doing the work.

Getting into office is a measure of fundraising, favors, and platitudes - being in office is increasingly extended campaigning.
The percent of legislators who act like reality show contestants is not insignificant; the amount of legislators we have that will vote for a bill they haven't read is approximately 100%.

Our legislators are in the same club, divided in two distinctly different screwed up clubs.
One club has put the acquisition of power above any attempts at sane governance. They will do whatever is necessary to acquire, hold, and execute their power because the ends ALWAYS justify the means.


No matter what has to be said or done.

Coup? No problem!
The other club wants to govern, I think?, but they still go all in on governance they KNOW is bad. (No one should be able to justify legislation that is 5,593 pages long) There is lots of complaining, but not so much doing - they'll have all 3 chambers...let's see if they use it.
If you aren't in a club, you are totally invisible, insignificant, not worthy of opinions or political participation.
Today we know that both chambers of Congress have adjourned and peaced out, leaving us with a man who staged a so-far-unsuccessful coup with nuclear codes and the hope that yesterday's kinda scolding might restrain him for a couple of weeks.

I appreciate the calls for him to be removed by some members of Congress...but it shouldn't even be a question at this point.

And anyone who enabled this should also be removed.
One of our clubs weaponizes any perceived malfeasance from the other club, wasting our resources.

The other simply appears to not have the stomach for it, failing to serve up functional consequences for decades in the name of collegial relationships.
At the end of this all - the ones who are the problem, the ones who enabled this will mostly have absolutely no consequences, and nothing other than compelling evidence that they should to do it again - perhaps in a slightly more subtle or clever way.
That's what happens when one group finds the other politically invalid and they other party accepts that framework.

It's compounded by mostly powerless individuals, willing to thrust themselves into this farce to demand anyone help or see them, even if their reason is bad.
We have people in jail for life for stealing a few dollars, we have people in Congress causing insurrection and subjecting our nation to legislative neglect for votes, profit, and giggles without a whiff of comeuppance.

Prove me wrong Congress.

Oh - and that we judge legislators and politicians on each decision or wrong individually, while judging every other criminal on the totality of their sins, is complete and total bullshit.

More from For later read

#IDTwitter #IDFellows
Introducing our new series: “IDFN top 10 articles every fellow should read”🔖

#1: SAB management
by @mmcclean1 @LeMiguelChavez
Reviewers @KaBourgi, @IgeGeorgeMD, @Courtcita, @MDdreamchaser

We know is subjective & expect feedback/future improvements 👇

1. Clinical management of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia: a review.
👉 A must read written by Holland et al. where they review the evidence of the management of SAB.

2. Impact of Infectious Disease Consultation on Quality of Care, Mortality, and Length of Stay in Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia: Results From a Large Multicenter Cohort Study.
👉ID consult associated with reduced inpatient mortality.

3. Predicting Risk of Endocarditis Using a Clinical Tool (PREDICT): Scoring System to Guide Use of Echocardiography in the Management of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia
👉Predictive risk factors for infective endocarditis, and thus the need for TEE.

4. The Cefazolin Inoculum Effect Is Associated With Increased Mortality in Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia.
👉Presence of cefazolin inoculum effect in the infecting isolate was associated with an increase 30-day mortality.

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Viruses and other pathogens are often studied as stand-alone entities, despite that, in nature, they mostly live in multispecies associations called biofilms—both externally and within the host.

Microorganisms in biofilms are enclosed by an extracellular matrix that confers protection and improves survival. Previous studies have shown that viruses can secondarily colonize preexisting biofilms, and viral biofilms have also been described.

...we raise the perspective that CoVs can persistently infect bats due to their association with biofilm structures. This phenomenon potentially provides an optimal environment for nonpathogenic & well-adapted viruses to interact with the host, as well as for viral recombination.

Biofilms can also enhance virion viability in extracellular environments, such as on fomites and in aquatic sediments, allowing viral persistence and dissemination.
So the cryptocurrency industry has basically two products, one which is relatively benign and doesn't have product market fit, and one which is malignant and does. The industry has a weird superposition of understanding this fact and (strategically?) not understanding it.

The benign product is sovereign programmable money, which is historically a niche interest of folks with a relatively clustered set of beliefs about the state, the literary merit of Snow Crash, and the utility of gold to the modern economy.

This product has narrow appeal and, accordingly, is worth about as much as everything else on a 486 sitting in someone's basement is worth.

The other product is investment scams, which have approximately the best product market fit of anything produced by humans. In no age, in no country, in no city, at no level of sophistication do people consistently say "Actually I would prefer not to get money for nothing."

This product needs the exchanges like they need oxygen, because the value of it is directly tied to having payment rails to move real currency into the ecosystem and some jurisdictional and regulatory legerdemain to stay one step ahead of the banhammer.