We’re in a new year and we have also entered a new phase of this pandemic. So I thought I’d start off the new year with a quick catch-up thread on the UK variant B.1.1.7 and where we are at in this pandemic.

The variant caught scientists' attention in early December based on a surge in cases around Kent and sequencing data showing it carried a host of mutations. (I wrote about this and how a quirk in the PCR is helping track it here: https://t.co/HupLMpgHPt).
CAVEAT: The pace at which we have learnt about this new variant is astonishing. But it’s important to realize that a lot of crucial lab experiments take longer. Most data now is looking at noisy epidemiological data and making inferences based on that.
Having said that: The picture is becoming clearer.
Good news first: There still is no evidence that the variant causes more severe disease or that it can reinfect people more easily or circumvent vaccine-induced immunity. Still, we need to stay vigilant.
The bad news: The evidence has only become stronger that B.1.1.7 is more transmissible and potentially a lot more transmissible than previously circulating #sarscov2. That has potentially massive consequences for the course of this pandemic.
Evidence comes from this preliminary report from @_nickdavies and others from @LSHTM for instance, showing the variant increasing in frequency across the UK. https://t.co/W8FzqvXYdZ
@_nickdavies @LSHTM "The continued rapid spread of VOC 202012/01 in England to high frequencies (50% or greater in all NHS regions as of 29 December 2020) makes it less likely that the spread of this variant is due to a founder effect or an otherwise selectively neutral effect."
@_nickdavies @LSHTM Recent report by Imperial College makes the same point:
"While rapid growth of the variant was first observed in the South East, similar growth patterns are observed later in London, East of England, and now more generally across England.”
@_nickdavies @LSHTM Additional data from Denmark (which like UK is doing a lot of sequencing), suggests they are observing a similar pattern of the new variant spreading fast locally.
@_nickdavies @LSHTM While the evidence is convincing that B.1.1.7 is spreading faster there are still a lot of question marks about how much faster. Given the data it’s hard to disentangle the effect of the variant spreading faster and changes in behaviour etc.
@_nickdavies @LSHTM Imperial report estimates what the variant adds to the R of #SARSCoV2 in a number of different ways. As you can see, best estimates range from 0.36 to 0.68. That would mean, on average, every person infected with B.1.1.7 infects an extra 0.36 to 0.68 persons compared to earlier
@_nickdavies @LSHTM Even if the truth turns out to be close to the lower estimates or please, please, please, below that, it is still a big effect. And remember: This is exponential growth, so the effect over time becomes massive.
I don’t think it has really sunk in, how serious this is.
@_nickdavies @LSHTM What does this mean for the pandemic?
Many countries have managed to reduce infections to low numbers by layering a lot of public health interventions on top of each other: teleworking, physical distancing, masks, no large gatherings, some kinds of shutdown etc.
@_nickdavies @LSHTM The idea was that if you do these things well enough, you get the effective reproduction number Rt below 1, so every infected person on average infects less than one other person. That means the virus does not spread and there is some wiggle room to keep schools open for instance
@_nickdavies @LSHTM That wiggle room has just become substantially smaller. If estimates are roughly right, keeping schools open is probably not possible.
Or, if you think of it in terms of the Swiss cheese model, we can afford fewer, smaller holes in the cheese.
@_nickdavies @LSHTM We have entered a new phase of this pandemic. On the one hand vaccinations have started, on the other hand this new variant is spreading faster, potentially causing a lot more sickness and death in a short time. Also: more people will need to be immunised to reach herd immunity.
@_nickdavies @LSHTM It’s not what anyone wants to hear, but the coming months may well be the hardest of this pandemic. If you’ve been thinking of vaccines as the light at the end of the tunnel: Yes, that light is there, as bright as ever. But the tunnel just got a bit darker and a little bit longer
@_nickdavies @LSHTM One addition: This is not the time to throw up your hands in despair and give up. Quite the opposite. We know what we need to do. We just need to do it better. This is the time to draw on whatever strength we have left and redouble our efforts to stem the spread of this virus.
@_nickdavies @LSHTM People love to say how this or that measure is "just postponing” things. Well, with vaccinations underway, “just postponing” things is exactly what we need to do. The variant is probably in many, many countries, but it is still early days and slowing it down will save lives.

More from For later read

I’ve asked Byers to clarify, but as I read this tweet, it seems that Bret Stephens included an unredacted use of the n-word in his column this week to make a point, and the column got spiked—maybe as a result?

Four times. The column used the n-word (in the context of a quote) four times. https://t.co/14vPhQZktB

For context: In 2019, a Times reporter was reprimanded for several incidents of racial insensitivity on a trip with high school students, including one in which he used the n-word in a discussion of racial slurs.

That incident became public late last month, and late last week, after 150 Times employees complained about how it had been handled, the reporter in question resigned.

In the course of all that, the Times' executive editor said that the paper does not "tolerate racist language regardless of intent.” This was the quote that Bret Stephens was pushing back against in his column. (Which, again, was deep-sixed by the paper.)
@snip96581187 @Daoyu15 @lab_leak @walkaboutrick @ydeigin @Ayjchan @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268 @angie_rasmussen Clearly, because as I have been saying for 8 months now, DTRA and DARPA have been using Ecohealth and UC Davis to collect novel pathogens for gain of function work back in the USA. I have documented this in many threads which I will post here just to annoy everyone.

@Daoyu15 @lab_leak @walkaboutrick @ydeigin @Ayjchan @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268 @angie_rasmussen

@Daoyu15 @lab_leak @walkaboutrick @ydeigin @Ayjchan @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268 @angie_rasmussen

@Daoyu15 @lab_leak @walkaboutrick @ydeigin @Ayjchan @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268 @angie_rasmussen

@Daoyu15 @lab_leak @walkaboutrick @ydeigin @Ayjchan @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268 @angie_rasmussen

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और देवर्षि नारद वहीं बैठकर तपस्या में लीन हो गए।इन्द्र नारद की तपस्या से घबरा गए।उन्हें हमेशा की तरह अपना सिंहासन व स्वर्ग खोने का डर सताने लगा।इसलिए इन्द्र ने नारद की तपस्या भंग करने के लिए कामदेव को उनके पास भेज दिया।वहां पहुंच कामदेव ने अपनी माया से वसंतऋतु को उत्पन्न कर दिया।

पेड़ और पौधों पर रंग बिरंगे फूल खिल गए और कोयलें कूकने लगी,पक्षी चहकने लगे।शीतल,मंद,सुगंधित और सुहावनी हवा चलने लगी।रंभा आदि अप्सराएं नाचने लगीं ।किन्तु कामदेव की किसी भी माया का नारद पे कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा।तब कामदेव को डर सताने लगा कि कहीं नारद क्रोध में आकर मुझे श्राप न देदें।

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नारद फिर कैलाश जा पहुंचे और शिवजी को अपनी विजयगाथा सुनाई।शिव समझ गए कि नारद अहंकारी हो गए हैं और अगर ये बात विष्णु जी जान गए तो नारद के लिए अच्छा नहीं होगा।ये सोचकर शिवजी ने नारद को भगवन विष्णु को ये बात बताने के लीए मना किया। परंतु नारद जी को ये बात उचित नहीं लगी।
Trending news of The Rock's daughter Simone Johnson's announcing her new Stage Name is breaking our Versus tool because "Wrestling Name" isn't in our database!

Here's the most useful #Factualist comparison pages #Thread 🧵

What is the difference between “pseudonym” and “stage name?”

Pseudonym means “a fictitious name (more literally, a false name), as those used by writers and movie stars,” while stage name is “the pseudonym of an entertainer.”

https://t.co/hT5XPkTepy #english #wiki #wikidiff

People also found this comparison helpful:

Alias #versus Stage Name: What’s the difference?

Alias means “another name; an assumed name,” while stage name means “the pseudonym of an entertainer.”

https://t.co/Kf7uVKekMd #Etymology #words

Another common #question:

What is the difference between “alias” and “pseudonym?”

As nouns alias means “another name; an assumed name,” while pseudonym means “a fictitious name (more literally, a false name), as those used by writers and movie

Here is a very basic #comparison: "Name versus Stage Name"

As #nouns, the difference is that name means “any nounal word or phrase which indicates a particular person, place, class, or thing,” but stage name means “the pseudonym of an