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For a naked option to make money, it's better if IV rises or at least stays flat.
Rule 3 : DO NOT run or trade everything that moves. Focus on a few stocks and master them. When a move comes, make the max out of that move.
— Subhadip Nandy (@SubhadipNandy16) October 14, 2021
Example : in this crazy mkt, I did not even trade TataMotors this week. Stayed focussed on ITC and it gave good returns
This is a thread I wrote on IV, IVR etc
IV - A thread
— Subhadip Nandy (@SubhadipNandy16) September 20, 2018
In financial mathematics, implied volatility of an option contract is
that value of the volatility of the underlying instrument which, when
input in an option pricing model ) will return a theoretical value equal to the current market price of the option (1/n)
The Member from New York is correct.
Dear @AOC: I've given you plenty of praise when deserved and criticism when deserved. You participating in this gaslighting is worthy of criticism.
— Charles #GetCovered-ba (@charles_gaba) January 15, 2021
You wanted $2,000. You got $600. Biden is pushing for another $1,400, bringing it to $2,000 total, which is what you asked for.
You can argue that AOC shouldn't have taken to media to make her case. But she's a Member of Congress and can use any of the tools at her disposal to do so. In any case, she is correct that what Biden is proposing isn't nearly good enough. Also, Biden only responds to pressure.
It is only B.S. to you because you are more-aligned with Biden and his wing of the Democratic Party than with AOC's wing.
I'm sorry, but bullshit. There's two different arguments here:
— Charles #GetCovered-ba (@charles_gaba) January 15, 2021
1. $2,000 isn't enough
2. Biden "lied" or "went back on his promise"
#1 is debatable. #2 is utter bullshit. $2,000 is what was passed by the House. $600 is what passed the Senate. Adding $1,400 would = $2,000.
The reality is that $2,000 is not enough and when Biden stepped into this, he basically agreed to give $2,000 (even if he 'meant' just another $1,400). Biden should have just did the $2,000 because we all know that another $1,400 isn't enough.
Again, you can argue that the total *should* be more than $2K, but you can't argue that Biden or anyone else lied about what the total from Dems would be. Read the rest of @Yair_Rosenberg's thread. Even BERNIE is praising the plan.
— Charles #GetCovered-ba (@charles_gaba) January 15, 2021
Bernie praised it as a 'very strong first installment'. Which means that he expects more than just another $1,400. But because he has a closer relationship with Biden than AOC does, he's not going to press hard right now. @charles_gaba
President-Elect Biden's COVID rescue plan will begin to provide our people with much-needed support, such as $2,000 direct payments and a $15 minimum wage.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) January 15, 2021
I look forward to working with him and my colleagues in Congress to urgently provide bold relief to working families.