The Great Reset is a massively funded, desperately ambitious, internationally coordinated project led by some of the biggest multinational corporations and financial institutions on the planet.

Devised and put in motion by 0.0001% of people, who honestly believe this world and society need somekind of reset. You might also be wondering what are we resetting from/to as this new firmware is desperately trying to upload itself by another tsunami of mainstreamed propaganda.
One of the most obvious reasons for pushed reset is the infinite expansion economic model reaching its limits and going bust, a fact admitted even by themselves.
However, the super wealthy apparently want to continue staying super wealthy and have no intention of abandoning their position at the top of the world.
Nature’s resources found on Earth are definitely limited in their absolute quantity thus excluding an idea of infinite extraction and wealth accumulation. But this is not their understanding of limited resources, you see.
Since they took possesion of these resources by either brute force or privatization, it is their limited resources and not Nature’s (or inherently everybody’s) limited resources that are eventually being exhausted.
There may not be 7 billion people inhabiting Earth, but there are de facto a lot of us and we all want a small piece of a particular limited resource (cars, microwaves, bicycles, cooking pots, microchips,etc).
In the long run it puts resource miners/owners out of business and eventually this diminishes their position of power.
Also, we have to consider that technological advancement (i.e. airplanes) made the world much smaller to handle and people not belonging to the overlord families started immitating big players and accumulating wealth, thus eventually endagering current ruling hegemony.
Combined, this could explain why they would have a motivation to devise a great reset – a masterplan that can help install a system for precise asset management of their limited resources, while excluding the possibility of disrupting the ruling hierarchy,.....
..... under a guise of great love for humanity and philantropic terminology such as solidarity, fairness, etc..
While they'll be working on another bubble creating wealth out of thin air and consolidating wealth at the top will take care of potential competitors eliminating them as owners of excessive wealth and thus from endangering the existing power distribution
Such reinvention of societal organization in question is devised in order to transform all levels of society on a global scale: the State, meaning of a nation, its local government, international relations, finance, medicine, food, finance, enterpreneurship, jobs,.....
..... urban planning, real estate, law enforcement and most importantly – the way we humans interact
The latter starts with redifining our perception of ourselves and humanity in general; our relationship with the Nature and our loved ones.
Also, our request and understanding of privacy needs to be updated and synchronised with the collective new “we”— as you read this, their propaganda is in the highest gear, pushing the narrative how privacy is actually an outlived concept.....
..... especially when it comes to saving the world from coughing and sneezing too much—and that we simply cannot move forward to the bright future if reckless people keep believing in their sacrosanct privacy.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) established and led by one Klaus Schwab devised through their Strategic Intelligence platform Great Reset. It is a surreal plan, which can be categorised into two parts.
Below are listed the seven leading objectives to be met while the reset is in progress. In no particular order these are:
Then there is a mix of global issues and industries accompanying “Great Reset” agenda. Apparently, there are over fifty areas which are in the focus of “Great Reset”.
These include:

Blockchain; Digital Identity; Internet Governance; Development Finance; Sustainable Development; Future of Health and Healthcare; Global Governance; Financial and Monetary Systems; Public Finance and Social Protection; Climate Change; Drones; 5G; The Ocean;....
... Banking/Capital Markets; Aviation, Travel and Tourism; International Trade and Investment; Covid-19; Biodiversity; Cities and Urbanization; Leadership in the 4IR; Geo-economics; Global Health; International Security; Geopolitics; Future of Food; Air Pollution; 3D Printing...
.... Batteries; Circular Economy; Future of Mobility; Human Rights; Gender Parity; Taxation; Future of Media, Entertainment/Culture; Digital Economy and New Value Creation; Fourth Industrial Revolution; Future of Economic Progress; Workforce and Employment; Agile Governance;....
.... Global Risks; Advanced Manufacturing and Production; Environment and Natural Resource Security; Plastics and the Environment; Corporate Governance; Forests; Justice and Law; Civic Participation; LGBTI Inclusion; Inclusive Design;....
.... Future of Computing; Artificial Intelligence and Robotics; Systemic Racism.
The founder and executive chairman of the institution called WEF, Klaus Schwab, and the IMF managing director, Kristalina Georgieva, are two of the most prominent voices of resetters.
WEF and its mouthpiece Schwab have identified “Great Reset” as the miracle, that can bind all these above areas of concern together in order to transform current economic and societal into a “New World Order”.
That is, the fourth industrial revolution, also known as 4IR, which is by mere coincidence the exact subject and title of Schwab’s latest book.
I would encourage everybody to at least try reading some of it as we may have a unique opportunity to glimpse into the brain of a human-hating psychopath, the perfect example of a delusional mind.
Short summary of it is along these lines : the state is abused to protect and advance the interests of the wealthy elite, while humans are secondary participants in a massive commercial enterprise, tagged as assets.
Everyone lives in and operates out of isolation, connected to the Internet of Things, where people are under 24/7 surveillance, which in turn shapes our behaviour.
Technological devices of one sort or another will be implanted into us (new age vaccines as a delivery method?). Relentless propaganda and narrative-creation are used to advance this agenda, which in essence represents an end to natural human life and communities as we know them.
“Establishing trust in the data and algorithms used to make decisions will be vital,” insists Schwab. “Citizen concerns over privacy and establishing accountability in business and legal structures will require adjustments in thinking”. Just preposterous.
A whole section of this book is devoted to the theme “Altering the Human Being”. Here he drools over “the ability of new technologies to literally become part of us” and invokes a cyborg future involving “curious mixes of digital-and-analog life that'll redefine our very natures”
He writes: “These technologies will operate within our own biology and change how we interface with the world. They are capable of crossing the boundaries of body and mind, enhancing our physical abilities, and even having a lasting impact on life itself “.
For Schwab, the reluctance of the majority of humankind to leap aboard his 4IR circus reflects the tragedy that “the world lacks a consistent, positive and common narrative that outlines the opportunities and challenges of the fourth industrial revolution,....
..... a narrative that is essential if we are to empower a diverse set of individuals and communities and avoid a popular backlash against the fundamental changes under way”.
Schwab suggests the role of the state is to advance capitalist aims, not to hold them up to any form of scrutiny.
He is all in favour of the state’s role in enabling a corporate take-over of our lives but less keen about its regulatory function, which slows down the inflow of profit into private hands, so he envisages “the development of ecosystems of private regulators competing in markets”
Schwab and other stooges went further shortly after the Great Reset was launched. As many already know – using crisis as a lever to enforce a major economic and societal change – is ages old strategy of our philantropic overlords.
According to Schwab, “acute crises favour introspection and foster the potential for transformation“. The Prince of Wales, who endorses the Great Reset, said something similar in that “unprecedented shockwaves of crisis may make people more receptive to bigger visions of change“.
One of the loudest mouthpieces leading proponents of resetting our world was IMF managing director, Kristalina Georgieva.
As the Great Reset agenda started rising its fascist head, Georgieva declared it is “of paramount importance“, that a future return to economic growth must encompass a “greener, smarter and fairer world“.
Our self-proclaimed overlords, who delusionally perceive themselves as some kind of global leaders we ought to listen to and follow as their fascist plan is rolling out have been promoting this form of fascism since the end of 2015.
Now a crisis of sufficient magnitude and global proportions offered a pathway to reach the goals of the global elite. Did this happen by coincidence or by design?
Does the fact, that WEF was part of a pandemic simulation exercise a few months before the world entered into a live pandemic, represent an incontrovertible evidence of what some of us are now referring to as a “plandemic”? I certainly believe so.
Do not let them spin your brain, watch their moves closely as if you were at a magician show. You have to be consciously and constantly aware, that you are facing a magician trying to fool your senses into believing some magic forces exist which can explain his trickery.
When Schwab, Georgieva, Prince of Wales or Malleret talk about Covid-19 leaving its imprint on the world, the truth of the matter is that it is the measures imposed in the name of fake Covid-19 that have caused widespread economic destruction, not the virus itself
Even if this virus was proven as a scientific fact – which was never done – it only served as a push towards the brave new world by deploying the planned Great Reset, as devised by the 0.0001% and led by Schwab, WEF, WHO, and (y)our local government and media as accomplices.
What is going on right now everywhere is a great crime against humanity. People in charge of economic destruction and responsible for victimizing the entire humanity need to be brought to justice, tried and sentenced accordingly.
In local terms, each and every nation ought to revoke the citizenship of the guilty individuals and expatriate them to….wherever they will accept them.
Say no to their plans and do not play along in any way. Reject their ideas by acting human and do not abandon empathy, traditions and individuality just because some old, ultra rich, delusional groupies said you should.
Tell them to go screw themselves with their fascist vision of future. And tell them you will not stop until this mess is cleared up and until every last one of them is outed!
@threadreaderapp unroll

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