1/ For anyone who is on the fence about @growclass, I remember the exact moment I was sitting in my car in the parking lot on September 9th, 2020 calculating on the phone what the ROI would need to be for me to join the program.

2/ I had calculated that if this program got me about 11 extra students paying $250 CAD each over the next 12 months, this course would pay for itself.

Considering how much I have valued @skstock's help and advice, I was confident it would be at least that, probably more.
3/ In fact, after I already joined, Sarah challenged me and said "let's make that goal 25"! And I got excited but was skeptical if even with some great tools and education I would be able to pull that off.

25 * $250 = $6,250
4/ So my advice to anyone trying to figure this out, if you're running your own business is to ask yourself 2 questions:

1. "How many extra sales will I need over the next 12 months to pay off the cost of this program?"

2. "Do I think that this program will do at least that?"
5/ What happened in @growclass is that I learned how to better talk about the benefits of my program and write better and got custom-tailored help/iteration and advice from the incredible community on my landing pages and copy.
6/ So fast-forward to today.

Instead of:

❌ 11 students X $250 = $2,750 revenue
❌ 25 X $250 = $6,250 revenue (Sarah's goal for me)

I landed 11 students in my very next cohort

✅ 11 students X $650-750 = $7000+

Mind you that is in 2-3 months instead of my 12 month goal.
7/ Obviously that took a lot of hard work and grit alongside the program, not discounting any of that, but I'm happy that I not only met my own goal, but even surpassed @skstock's more ambitious goal for me.
7/ Long story short - was it worth it for me? Absolutely!

Is it going to be worth it for you? Maybe. Do the math, see if it adds up and make a calculated decision for yourself if it makes sense.

This shouldn't feel like a roll of the dice. ❤️
8/ If you're into it, enrolment closes in 24 hours (Fri Jan 15th). Do your research, ask questions (to me or @skstock or any of the other incredible alumni).

Make your 2021 kick 2020s butt!

9/ I remember after registering, I got an email with a beautiful welcome package walking me through the whole process and immediately thought: "I'm so happy I made the right decision"
@threadreaderapp unroll

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