Ivor Cummins has been wrong (or lying) almost entirely throughout this pandemic and got paid handsomly for it.

He has been wrong (or lying) so often that it will be nearly impossible for me to track every grift, lie, deceit, manipulation he has pulled. I will use...

... other sources who have been trying to shine on light on this grifter (as I have tried to do, time and again: https://t.co/bHYdxxmwp9)
Example #1: "Still not seeing Sweden signal versus Denmark really"... There it was (Images attached).
19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.

Tweet: https://t.co/36FnYnsRT9
Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

Tweets: https://t.co/XLfoX4rpck / https://t.co/vjE1ctLU5x
Example #3 - "I'm only looking at what makes the data fit in my favour" a.k.a moving the goalposts.

Tweets: https://t.co/vcDpTu3qyj / https://t.co/CA3N6hC2Lq
Example #4 - "You need to look at all the varibles, but I don't"

Tweet: https://t.co/gQs2G0pFCF
Video: https://t.co/4mpZKXIgKQ
Final graph with all restrictions for Ireland @StuartDNeilson
Examples #5-#18 - https://t.co/G3MrMT7DMT

various goalpost shifting, ignorance of facts, logic, data, science

h/t @jocami_ca
Example #19 - "I'm going to include that study even though I don't know what it says" (see some of previous tweets examples)

^ Ivor's theme of Lockdowns don't work, don't match the papers' findings.
https://t.co/7EcJnkfFXK ---
Example #20 - Spreading misinformation from a right-wing anti-vaccine group spokesperson

Ivor's widespread video debunked: https://t.co/7EcJnkfFXK
source video: https://t.co/Pq4u5RgMS7

Image source: https://t.co/ES3RwshHs5
Example #21 - "You're talking about selective lockdown. It doesn't work! / Let's do that thing that doesn't work! People dying never felt so good!"

Tweets: https://t.co/gNhNLOc5wB / https://t.co/m3o46KTH21

Great Barrington Declaration debunked: https://t.co/gP8fxSAvH2...
... #21 contd - https://t.co/a7HugHEqHN, https://t.co/dniFp8nMaS, https://t.co/ATrsr2ZBd2, https://t.co/EbwujUFmeg, https://t.co/B9joA2xUUz ---
Example #22 - "We are in a casedemic! / Uh oh! I was wrong... That was a creature of the Summer! / Uh oh! That still doesn't make any sense!"

Tweets: https://t.co/gNhNLOc5wB / https://t.co/DXJ3QzRj8G

h/t: @greg_travis: https://t.co/sfCKavwCbG ---
Example #23 - "I have never been debunked! Even when I was! I wasn't! Liar Liar Pants On Bloody Fire You Guys!"

Ivor really says that: https://t.co/SAQIrgD6t3

Tweet: https://t.co/cduViTcs3b

@DrDomPimenta debunking Ivor:
https://t.co/Ate8UMOVqG ...
... #23 cont. - https://t.co/RzyyQCmx8Y,
& as above.

More from Finance

Having made over 1000 boxes for vulnerable families in Cambridge via @RedHenCambridge (thanks to our customers 🙏🏽) My thoughts on the £30 box thing. Lots of factors at play here. 1/

If the pics in this @BootstrapCook thread are true and correct then the Govt/taxpayers & families in need are getting absolutely SHAFTED 👇🏽 2/

There are some mitigating circumstances. A £30 box won’t ever contain £30 (retail) worth of food - people aren’t factoring in
-the cost of the box
-paying someone to fill it
-rent & rates
-& most expensive the *transport/distribution*


If you’re doing the above at scale. Delivering *across the UK* it’s not cheap BUT IMHO there should be at LEAST £20 worth of groceries in a £30 box. To get more value they need more fresh produce. Just carrots & apples is terrible. 4/

I’m gonna put my rep on the line here & say something about these big national catering companies whose names I’ve seen mentioned. They are an ASSHOLE to deal with & completely shaft small businesses like mine with their terms which is why I won’t deal with them. 5/

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The entire discussion around Facebook’s disclosures of what happened in 2016 is very frustrating. No exec stopped any investigations, but there were a lot of heated discussions about what to publish and when.

In the spring and summer of 2016, as reported by the Times, activity we traced to GRU was reported to the FBI. This was the standard model of interaction companies used for nation-state attacks against likely US targeted.

In the Spring of 2017, after a deep dive into the Fake News phenomena, the security team wanted to publish an update that covered what we had learned. At this point, we didn’t have any advertising content or the big IRA cluster, but we did know about the GRU model.

This report when through dozens of edits as different equities were represented. I did not have any meetings with Sheryl on the paper, but I can’t speak to whether she was in the loop with my higher-ups.

In the end, the difficult question of attribution was settled by us pointing to the DNI report instead of saying Russia or GRU directly. In my pre-briefs with members of Congress, I made it clear that we believed this action was GRU.