1/9 - “In the second wave we acquired much more evidence that schoolchildren are almost equally, if not more infected by SARS-CoV-2 than others.”

2/9 - “The problem is not that schools are unsafe for children,” Mr. Boris Johnson said last week. “The problem is schools may nonetheless act as vectors for transmission, causing the virus to spread between households.”
3/9 - “An antibody survey conducted by researchers in Geneva in May and December, using thousands of random samples, found that children of age 6 to 18 were getting infected as often as young adults. The study has yet to be peer reviewed.”
4/9 - “One reason for this: The Swiss city’s schools have been open since the summer, while restrictions have been placed on adults, meaning schoolchildren played a bigger role in transmitting the virus during the autumn surge.”
5/9 - “In Austria, a nationwide survey by universities and medical institutes found that children under 10 showed a similar rate of infection to those between 11 and 14, and that the children in general were getting infected as often as teachers.”
6/9 - “Scientists also point to data from the U.K. which conducts a weekly random survey of the population. Just before the Christmas break, when schools were still open, the positivity rate among children was higher than in most adult groups, especially in those older than 11.”
7/9-“In Germany, researchers found that a majority of some 40 cases at a school in Hamburg in Sept were likely linked to a single person,which some scientists say highlights the risk of schools becoming #COVID19 clusters. Still, many policy makers in Europe say schools are safe.”
8/9 - “In France, which managed to curb infections while keeping schools open, PM Jean Castex ordered a nationwide 6 p.m. curfew but said it was a fundamental goal to keep schools open. FR is now imposing stricter rules for school canteens, and stepping up testing in schools.”
9/9 - “Austria, one of the first European countries to shut schools in November, plans to reopen them gradually from Jan. 25, but in staggered systems and with millions of test kits distributed to reduce the risk of infection.”

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