1. “Who Are Ireland’s Members Of The World Economic Forum Implementing The Great Reset In 2021 ? 🧵1/28

🕵️🔎 Politicians, Musicians, Clergy, Bankers, Journalists, Human Rights, Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, Corporations & Agriculture

2. In previous threads I have looked at 🇮🇪 key players in the Trilateral Commission as well as 🇮🇪 people who have attended the Bilderberger meetings. I also looked at the 🇮🇪 in the Young Global Leaders which is a site run by the WEF. You will see a lot of crossover between them.
3. The purpose of this thread is to compile all the Irish members into one thread for ease of access and reading rather than having to dive through the WEF site. This is by no means definitive and I will be adding more over time when they pop out of the woodwork.
4. Ireland’s WEF members are drawn from all walks of life but can be split into 2 separate areas. The WEF calls the first category “people” and the 2nd one “agenda contributors”. In total Ireland has a minimum of 61 members. Some of the names will be familiar and others will not
5. In this thread I’m just going to concentrate on the 21 people (there are probably a lot more). There are also 40 “agenda contributors” which I will cover in a separate thread. The agenda contributors are those who write articles or do research for the WEF site.
6. The “People” are key influencers in Irish society such as politicians, musicians, clergy, bankers, journalists, human rights, artificial intelligence, agriculture, sustainability. I’ve tried to keep it simple with links going directly to their WEF profile pages
7. Politicians

Leo Varadkar

Former Taoiseach, Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise and also a member of the Young Global leaders site

8. Michael Noonan

Former Minister of Finance, Department of Finance of Ireland

9. Enda Kenny

Former Taoiseach (2011-2017), Fine Gael Party

10. Paschal Donohoe

Minister of Finance, Department of Finance of Ireland

11. Musicians


Lead Singer U2, Co-Founder, (RED); Co-Founder, ONE

12. Clergy

Diarmuid Martin

Archbishop of Dublin, Archdiocese of Dublin

13. Journalist

David McWilliams

Broadcaster, Writer and Commentator, Iconic Media Ltd and also a member of the Young Global Leaders site

14. Bankers

Francesca McDonagh

Chief Executive Officer, Bank of Ireland Group

15. Tadhg Flood

Global Co-Head, Financial Institutions Group, Deutsche Bank

16. John Coulter

Chief Executive Officer, sub-Saharan Africa, JPMorgan Chase & Co

17. Artificial Intelligence

Eimear Farrell

Human Rights Officer

Heads Up Ireland's national Artificial Intelligence Strategy

18. Sustainability

William (Liam) Casey

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, PCH International

Interestingly, on their site https://t.co/9ek6ABLeoR there is a link to providing PPE to hospitals which is now broken

19. Grainia Long

Commissioner for Resilience, Belfast City Council

20. Ruairí De Búrca

Director-General, Development Cooperation and Africa Division, Irish Aid

21. Michael Hayes

Global Head, Renewables, KPMG

22. Mary Keeling

Manager, Economic Analysis, Smarter Cities, IBM

23. Aine Kerr

Co-Founder and COO, Kinzen. Also married to Aodhán Ó Ríordáin who is an Irish Labour Party politician.

Not sure why but the link to her profile is broken 🤔

24. Ian Walsh

Senior Partner and Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group.

25. Patrick Manley

Chief Executive Officer, Zurich Insurance Group

26. Teresa O'Flynn

Managing Director, BlackRock Inc.

27. Agriculture

Liam Condon

President, Bayer Crop Science, Bayer

28. So you can see the Irish presence in the WEF is very strong. If you would like to find out more about the Irish players at the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberger attendees please 👇 to find all my 🧵. Thanks


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