I really think people have a very short-sighted view of the city and its key role in decades to come for the economy of 🇨🇳. Every so often, people have a handful of misconceptions about the city's future because they lack of basics in strategy 👇

https://t.co/6wuRzXGkYZ The West propaganda seems to make people think we are cracking down on 🇭🇰 people because we no longer need them and we will inevitably suppress their rights. Every now and then, I talk with people in 🇭🇰 who think the Great Firewall will extend to 🇭🇰
🇺🇸-led liberal order is very strong to come across 🇭🇰 people and make them believe what they want. Brainwashed people don't think rationally and fall for the lies and propaganda. This guy is one among so many others I met in 🇭🇰 who told me the same thing, that the city is doomed
They couldn't be more ignorant ! Unfortunately they will end up leaving the city and missing out on incredible opportunities... But they don't know that nothing will eventually change after 2047 ? 🙃Let me explain you why https://t.co/w7rVMtCerr
I bet even after 2047 🇭🇰 will still enjoy a high degree of autonomy and freedoms that its mainland counterpart can’t enjoy : an independent legal and financial system, English as one of the official language, an access to the West internet, its traditional medias, etc.
Journalists and pundits will just have to be cautious with calling to sedition or independence or supporting violent riots, etc. But there won't be a huge shift.
Let's start with the present situation. 🇨🇳 has the second largest capital markets in the 🌏 and will eventually vie for having the world's financial centre and the global reserve currency. Its market will continue growing and luring overseas investors
because🇨🇳government bonds already offer far better yields than developed countries, that's why many analysts expect international investors to continue ratcheting up their allocations to China in the coming years. Some people may think Shanghai will eventually outshine its rival
given its overall market cap is bigger, but once again it is a big mistake. The average daily turnover of HKSE in January 2021 was $245.7 billion surpassing that of Tokyo Stock Exchange. For much of the decade it has also been the world's largest IPO market.
🇨🇳 economic growth nourishes a lot of big companies to list in 🇭🇰. I don’t think this trend will change. This year🇨🇳 has also been the largest FDI (foreign direct investment) recipient in the 🌏 and over 60% FDI into and out of China continued to be channeled through 🇭🇰
https://t.co/Fg3jIhkJAG According to Mr Joseph Yam, Former Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, what makes a good financial center is just a place where people who have money can meet people who need it
Then all those brainwashed teenage thugs who throw Molotov cocktails on police are self-deluding. 🇭🇰 as it is right now will not shift an inch!! Overseas investors like it as it is: English as official language, free economic environment, separate judicial and financial system
There's no best place in the 🌏 to make people who have money to meet those who need it. Recent events back me up despite the implementation of the National Security Law. Another powerful incentive 🇭🇰 has is this is the 7th country by foreign exchange reserves in the 🌏!!
In addition, together with 🇨🇳, 🇭🇰rank very high among the creditor countries ! 🇭🇰🇨🇳lend more than 2.8 trillions$ in net international investment positions (NIIP) !!! While the 🇺🇸is simply the largest debtor country of the 🌏with more than -12 trillions $
The hitherto situation of 🇭🇰 is already bright, but 🇨🇳 has even more bigger expectations in the future for 🇭🇰 as a key place of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) !
Why will 🇭🇰 be even more important than it is today ? Retrospectively why 🇭🇰 can't survive without 🇨🇳 ? I'll answer those questions in another thread to come 🙂
@poetictapestry @PandemicTruther @TheDailyMao @AmbassadeChine @ChineseEmbinUK @EVANVAERENBERGH @ml_1maria @Angelo4justice3 @Sabina_91521 @SameeraKhan @MadamMiaow @chenweihua @BauJosephine @AmugnierNRS @catcontentonly @NavinaHeyden @CaoYi_MFA @doge_in_steppe @AnneChaAsia
@DrewPavlou @StuartKLau @AMFChina @VNiquet @Jerry_grey2002 @MrJerryGoode @thecyrusjanssen @6259yuan @SilingWuYiXia @JeffHillinChina @Xhinua_1988 @Mango_Press_ @trublion92600 @olalakl1 @Sheikh__Zohaib @TianXia1357Z @illegalwiretap @JaneYumei @YK__id @StarboyHK @1mazeemkhan74
@Littlefuzz87 @AuntiesRcool @HuneauCoty @ReginaIplau @hkfp @jodixu @notXiangyu @qingqingparis @Vsouladaki @WuWeiLiving @SCMPNews @AdrienYHC @adam_ni @Tom_Fowdy @TomTugendhat @Yelsnevir @CgdVinet @TeaFormosa @Michell18674027 @missioncritica @MyUKnumber4 @shoot_dont_talk

More from Economy

In this paper, we study vote choices of voters who are left-wing on economic issues and authoritarian/nationalist on cultural issues, especially immigration. For these voters, there is no often party combining positions in this way.

In the data from the Campaign Panel of the German Election Study 2017, many voters prefer higher social benefits and taxes and want to restrict immigration. @ches_data show that no party bundles issue positions in this way.

In the article, we show that many such “left-authoritarians” perceive the party they voted for to also hold a left-authoritarian position. Interestingly, this includes many AfD voters who report a perceived left-wing economic position of the party.

Our statistical models study the interplay between this (mis-)perceived congruence and issue importance, using an open-ended question on the most important political problem in Germany.

We find that (mis-)perceived congruence and issue importance interactively shape the left-authoritarian vote. Simply, perceived congruence matters more on an important issue—and issue salience matters most if voters accurately perceive incongruent party supply.

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