Tips for AI writers:

1. Spend 30% of your effort on skimming all student ML papers (e.g. Stanford NLP CS224n) the past 3 years and prototype your favorites

The idea is everything. Pick an area you are interested in and ideally something that has a visual aspect to it

Most of my 'on the top of my mind' ideas were bad in retrospect. Skimming 100s of student papers will give you an overview of what's interesting.

Student papers are overlooked, easy to understand, and have good compute constraints.
2. Spend 30% on your effort on coding

Create an edge to the project. Apply it to something new and use FastAI or Keras to improve the accuracy with 5-30%.
3. Spend 30% writing an in-depth article

Have a north star article in terms of structure and quality. Find something that stretches you to your utmost capability. I used @copingbear’s Style transfer article:
4. Spend 10% marketing your project

Invest a week in studying the strategies to rank on sites like HN and Reddit, then use them. If you have an interesting result and a great article, you've done the hard work.
Also, cross-publish. Aim for top tech publications on Medium(e.g. @TDataScience), @freecodecamp's blog and youtube channel, @hackernoon's blog, FastAI's blog, Keras's blog, @thepracticaldev, and email 10-30 established tech sites like @thenextweb.
5. Spend 1-2 months on each article/project

Articles will market you 24/7 worldwide. You want them to be relevant for a decade. High-quality articles increase your reputation and spread easier on the web.

cc @remiconnesson @mehtadata_

More from Data science

To my JVM friends looking to explore Machine Learning techniques - you don’t necessarily have to learn Python to do that. There are libraries you can use from the comfort of your JVM environment. 🧵👇 : Deep Learning framework in Java that supports the whole cycle: from data loading and preprocessing to building and tuning a variety deep learning networks. Framework for defining machine learning models, including feature generation and transformations, as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). a machine learning library in Java that provides multi-class classification, regression, clustering, anomaly detection and multi-label classification. : TensorFlow Java API (experimental)

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