

There Nothing is more pleasurable than the Path of Bhakti in all the Loka's and in all the four Yuga, whoever dives in this sacred ocean of Ishwara's Bhakti , can definitely attain Mokshā and get relief from BhavaSagara ,

it is more pleasing in the Kali Yuga as compared to others., The reason is the lack of both knowledge and disinterest in humans.

Bhakti is the only path through which we can connect with Ishwara and whoever become hurdle in Ishwara's Devotees with bad intentions he is always
punishable by Ishwara.

The Bhakti which is inspired by Shashtra's and is surrendered to Ishwara by heart selflessly , considered to be श्रेष्ठ , and which is full of Selfishness is always called निम्नकोटी भक्ति .
Both these types of devotion are of two types in terms of नैष्ठि and अनैष्ठि

- there are 6 types of नैष्ठि and
- 1 of अनैष्ठि

There are mainly two types of devotion -

1) सगुण
2) निर्गुण
The nine parts of both Nirguna and Saguna have been described, which is something like this -

● श्रवण - Hearing the Lord's Kirtan by drowning in devotion.

● कीर्तन - Performing bhajan with pure devotion by singing the glory of the Lord.
● स्मरण-

~ Remembering God by conquering all kinds of fears. (Nirguna bhakti)
~ To serve the Lord from dawn to dusk. (Saguna)

● सेवन - Control of all senses and following the path of virtue prescribed by the Veda.
● दास्त - Worshipping of Ishwarā with the heart's nectar of devotion.

● अर्चन - Always consider yourself to be Prabhu Kinkar and always being indulge in worshipping Ishwara.
● वंदन - Ashtang Pranam to the presiding deity by settling the Ishwara in the mind and chanting mantras.

● सख्य - Have unwavering faith in Ishwara, that there is something good in both in मंगल and अमंगल ।
● आत्मसमर्पण - Surrender to Ishwarā without devoid of subsistence worries.

According to Mahashiva Purana, all these Bhakti Mārga are always said to be the ones providing salvation .
Sorry for typos 😔🙏

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One of the authors of the Policy Exchange report on academic free speech thinks it is "ridiculous" to expect him to accurately portray an incident at Cardiff University in his study, both in the reporting and in a question put to a student sample.

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