Women have always controlled their fertility throughout the entire history of time. — Dr. @lmacthompson1
Did you know:
—in old-timey-times women got abortions w no constraints?
—ads for abortion were so common in the 1800s they were blasé?
—native women controlled their fertility & men had no say?
Today's @OrdEquality ep will blow your freakin’ mind
Women have always controlled their fertility throughout the entire history of time. — Dr. @lmacthompson1
"Emperor Augustus was complaining about elite Roman women not having enough children... Roman women were using knowledge from Egypt to practice fertility control..."
The woman is the power. It's up to her to be able to decide if she's fit enough to carry a pregnancy, or whether she's going to return it to creation.
During the period of witchcraft suppression of the things that the witches were accused of doing 7 items were listed &— 6 of those 7 had to do with sexuality.
15/Reproductive control info and items were EVERYWHERE in early and antebellum America \u2013 newspaper ads, the lecture circuit, moral physiology books, almanacs, book and news stands, druggists, you name it.
— Dr. Lauren MacIvor Thompson (@lmacthompson1) June 5, 2019
He relentlessly hounded Madame Restell until he had her arrested & she tragically died by suicide the day before her trial!
This dude kick-started the crusade against birth control & abortion. 👇
"After the civil war, state after state began criminalizing abortion & doctors who were male tried seize everything having to do with childbirth & pregnancy from midwives who were women." —@KathaPollitt
Doctors professionalized & voilà!— in order to get power— took it away from midwives.
This depressing arc is ALL about power & control.
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