1 @DisinfoEU (EUD) brought out a report on a “web of disinformation” set up by Indian intelligence. This kangaroo court drivel followed no consistent logic & by EUD’s own standards show EUD collusion with Pakistani intelligence & left wing journos in India. Let’s examine

2 first up we need to understand what this latest report is. It adds on a report released by the same group in 2019 claiming to expose the organisation of Madi Sharma. The target this time though is to link @ANI to the Madi Sharma network
3 it claims this is a 15 year operation, IE started by the UPA government under Dr Manmohan Singh. Curiously though in these 15 years it can find only 12 instances of where @ANI this news website called EU chronicle. IE less than once a year.
4 this is key, because we need to understand that their sample set for this “vast disinformation network” is exactly 12 articles - a serious sampling error by any stretch. But the innuendoes and stretches here are mind boggling. Let’s start with this image: it claims EU chronicle
5 and ANI are linked as they covered the same protests using SIMILAR angles, admitting they weren’t able to find the exact footage. However by the end of the report the innuendo becomes fact. Curiously guess who else also covers Anti Pakistan protests? @AFP used by @BBCWorld to
6 report the EUD story. So now I guess AFP is part of the disinformation too? Question - did @AFP verify the validity of the protest? If the protestors were paid? No. But apparently this is condemnable according to @DisinfoEU only if ANI does it. Clearly they don’t understand the
7 difference between investigative journalism and a news agency. Next - they seem to have an issue that that several EU MEPs have written for the EU chronicle (EUC). This in itself is treated as part of some conspiracy. As is the fact that ANI picked up EUC stories by these MPs
8 by this logic we can claim that EU disinfo is part of a vast left wing pakistani disinformation network given that the Pakistani NSA & Foreign Minister picked up on the report. And the coverage of the report by the @BBCWorld & @politico was driven by 2 Pakistanis. Moreover it
9 turns out that the Indians involved in the reporting are from known left wing propaganda rags @ndtv @newslaundry & @thecaravanindia all known for amplifying Pakistani messaging in India. Unsurprisingly the @BBCWorld coauthor with the Pakistani worked in two of these lefty rags
10 Unsurprisingly the foreign magazines carrying @EUvsDisinfo’s report are also the leftist Le Monde & Le Jours. To note the former Le Monde correspondent Julien Bissou (modi hater karuna nundy’s ex) is a pathological hater of modi & the hindu right. A sample of his twitter. The
11 current correspondent Sophie
Landrin is as bad - note her on the environment blaming modi & avoiding the fact that Punjabi farmers are the main cause of winter pollution in Delhi, while passing of localised protests of the same Punjabi farmers as a pan india “peasant revolt”
12 let’s take EUD’s logic further. They see conspiracy in the fact that ANI labelled certain people “Pashtun activists” without running their full affiliations. Well here’s @guardian quoting me without naming my full affiliation as well - so is guardian part of some conspiracy?
13 it then found it particularly strange that EUC only reports on Anti Pakistan protests. Given that EUD has only reported on Indian “disinformation campaigns” And not Pakistani ones we can equally say EUD is a Pakistani tool. Added to the fact the usual suspects ran its story
14 EUD also has a huge problem with EUC reports being passed off with additional editorialisation by other outfits. However no problems with their partners at Le Jours similarly imposing their anti-modi editorialising on EUD’s reports. Note the goebbelsian use of modi images
15 why do I say partners? Why do I claim coordination between these outlets? Because the metadata shows that Le Jours and Le Monde published op-Eds based on EUD’s report minutes before EUD published the source report
16 and politico published its commentary (by a Pakistani) on the EUD report 12 minutes thereafter. Now while EUD’s report has been a litany of connected innuendo - this metadata proves actual collusion between leftists Pakistanis and EUD - no if - no but
17 amazingly in all of this, at no point has the content of what was produced determined to be fake. Begging the question what exactly was the “disinformation” being peddled? In short @EUvsDisinfo has run a calibrated campaign with clear signs of coordination with some Pakistanis

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Ok so there’s a conspiracy theory going around that this woman was faking her injury with an onion.

This is likely false. Onions are a folk remedy for pepper spray.

The theory, which has some merit, is that since onions make you cry, it helps flush the irritants from your eyes with natural tears.

However, this is not recommended as a treatment for pepper spray and is ultimately not very effective.

Pepper spray, tear gas, mace, CN, HC, and other agents are best removed with a flush of water or, if you have the proper mixture, saline. Nothing else.

We do not do chemistry in our eyeballs. We are not putting chemicals in our eyes. We are not putting produce in our eyes. We are removing the chemicals with safe, neutral water.
Yesterday I did a thread on how Huawei is trying to manipulate Belgian policy audiences with a fake online ecosystem ahead of a key 5G decision. ( Huawei did not take kindly to my research.

Mike Bai, the "President of Strategy Marketing Western Europe" for Huawei doubled down and tagged me and the organisations listed in my profile in a promoted (!) tweet. It's still doing the rounds now.

But who is Mike Bai? An analysis of his Twitter account by Botometer rates him a dubious 2.2/5 (by comparison, I rate 0.4, where 0 is best). @villaraco points out that he gained 800K followers in 9 months:

Bai's sudden and massive online presence for Huawei started at the exact same time as the fake ecosystem of blogs and websites started being built, in March 2020. I can find no job history for him pre-Huawei, starting in March of this year.

I did find another (?) Mike Bai. The other Mike Bai authored a blog that posts Chinese state propaganda about things like the Covid-19 outbreak not originating in China. I won't link to the blog as not 100% sure it's same person, but here's a screenshot of part of the text.
Just a taste of the absolute ignorance coming out of this failures mouth. He has had to withdraw from precious races because of his proven lack of ethics. A proven criminal, and here he is likely to lead America baring a miracle. Americans had best wake up.

For this to have happened in the US with the blessing of the Senate means the entire system has been compromised. McConnell has to say something because he knows Trump is on track to get a 2nd term. Otherwise he would have stayed silent and not risk the backlash he is going

To get with the base in Ga. He knows his antics are likely going to cost them the Senate. But at this point the establishment is all in to get rid of Trump. That is in spite of the fact Trump has done more for the party then everyone of the establishment Republicans combined.

He has increased the tent of the party and made significant inroads in breaking the Dems stranglehold on the blacks. His Latino support was greater the. Any Republican before him. He was on the way of accomplishing what no one ever thought possible, peace in the Mideast.

He brought record employment and growth to the US before they ushered in the virus scam, and even with that he beat them developing a vaccine in record time, and reestablishing the growth rate. Except the governors are hell bent on keeping their economies closed and

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सत्यवती ने महर्षि भृगु से अपने तथा अपनी माता के लिए पुत्र का वरदान मांगा।ये जानकर महर्षि भृगु ने यज्ञ किया और तत्पश्चात सत्यवती और उसकी माता को अलग-अलग प्रकार के दो चरू (यज्ञ के लिए पकाया हुआ अन्न) दिए और कहा कि ऋतु स्नान के बाद तुम्हारी माता पुत्र की इच्छा लेकर पीपल का आलिंगन...

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भृगु ऋषि सत्यवती से कहते हैं,"पुत्री तुम्हारा और तुम्हारी माता ने एक दुसरे के चरू खा लिए हैं।इस कारण तुम्हारा पुत्र ब्राह्मण होते हुए भी क्षत्रिय सा आचरण करेगा और तुम्हारी माता का पुत्र क्षत्रिय होकर भी ब्राह्मण सा आचरण करेगा।"
इस पर सत्यवती ने भृगु ऋषि से बड़ी विनती की।

सत्यवती ने कहा,"मुझे आशीर्वाद दें कि मेरा पुत्र ब्राह्मण सा ही आचरण करे।"तब महर्षि ने उसे ये आशीर्वाद दे दिया कि उसका पुत्र ब्राह्मण सा ही आचरण करेगा किन्तु उसका पौत्र क्षत्रियों सा व्यवहार करेगा। सत्यवती का एक पुत्र हुआ जिसका नाम जम्दाग्नि था जो सप्त ऋषियों में से एक हैं।