Five Different Ways to Create Objects in Java

a thread...

1. Using a new keyword.

It's the most popular one. We create an object by using a new operator followed by a constructor call.

2. Using the newInstance() method of class "Class":

3️. Using the newInstance() method in class "Constructor":


Both the above ways (Shown in 2 and 3),
are known as reflective ways of creating objects.


Class's newInstance() method internally uses Constructor's newInstance() method.
4️. Using "Object" class clone() method

The clone() method creates a copy of an existing object.

The clone() method is part of the "Object" class which returns a clone object.

When using the clone() method:

Always Remember,

1. The "Cloneable" interface is implemented.
2. The clone() method must be overridden with other classes.
3. Inside the clone() method, the class must call super.clone().
5️. Using Deserialization:

When we deserialize any object then JVM creates a new object internally.

For this, we need to implement the Serializable interface.


We've seen all five ways to create Objects in Java:

1. Using a new keyword.
2. Using Class.newInstance() method
3️. Using Constructor.newInstance() method
4️. Using Object.clone() method
5️. Using Deserialization

Thanks for reading!

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