I don't have time to make this detailed, but here's a little thread about the world's first major politically-charged blackout that was blamed on renewables, in South Australia, in 2016............

On September 28, 2016, an unprecedented tropical storm progressed rapidly across South Australia. Truly - this thing was unusual. The sky folded in on itself. It tore towns to bits.

Australia's @climatecouncil pointed out that the storm was so unusual at least partly due to the influence of climate change, and that this is due to get worse.

I'm going to use brief snippets from my book to fill this out! The storm's primary impact on the grid was the destruction of several major transmission lines. When I say destruction - I mean they snapped like twigs.
Here's what happened in the following seconds:

- A voltage spike from the line falls
- Wind turbines automatically shut off due to software settings that trigger shutdown during a spike
- The interconnector to Vic tried to compensate, failed and died
- All of SA blacked out
Within the next ~12 hours or so, nearly all customers without power were restored, due to the fast actions of the grid manager. But before that, a massive system of misinformation, media errors, misunderstandings and intentional lies began exponentially inflating in size.
On that night, Australia's national broadcaster aired an interview on the blackout between...............a anti-wind farm politician, and their political editor (who doesn't like wind either).

You can guess what happened: a stream of major falsehoods.

It was haphazard scattershot. All they knew is wind farms did it, they just didn't know how. They were blowing too hard. They were offline. The variation was too great. The power was "unsynchronised" (??). It was pure imagination.
All media outlets - the big ones, the small ones, the left-wing ones, the right-wing ones - worked on the assumption that something *inherent* to wind power was to blame

Except: the software settings that caused them to shut off during the voltage spike? It was fixed immediately
**Every single blackout** in Australia after Sep 2016 was blamed, in some way, on renewable energy. It became the default reaction - assume renewable energy did it, and ignore the lengthy reports that come out later demonstrating how failing thermal power stations were the cause
Much of this was political, but much of it was driven by a media environment that, dominated by News Corp, was itself political, or ill-equipped to grasp the mechanics of the event itself

Even as total grid outages remained flat, media cov'g of renewables causing blackouts rose:
The blackout became a mechanism of delaying climate action. The prospect of a new 'clean energy target' was killed by the hammer of 'OH SO YOU WANT ANOTHER SOUTH AUSTRALIA??'.

Seen the pic of Aus' PM holding a lump of coal? That was about blackouts.
Since then, South Australia has grown into a renewable energy powerhouse. The grid operator implemented a few tricks, learnt lessons now manages roughly **double** the amount of wind and solar, with lower imports and falling gas output - including through Aus' worsening heatwaves
It's getting global attention. @NatBullard wrote recently about how the state's solar power has grown so significantly that there are brief moments where solar output matched grid demand.

Australia's fantastic grid operator, @AEMO_Media, led by @aazibelman, has been creating 'integrated system plans' that model different amounts of VRE. SA will be > 100% renewables pretty soon - exporting clean power to other states.

All this good stuff? It was badly delayed by a huge 4-5 years of total wasted time. Pointless, circular debates that all missed the heart of the problem, widespread misinformation, and a culture within media and politics that actively loathed evidence or critical analysis.
This is what both Texas and California potentially face. Every single blackout is now caused by renewables, until proven otherwise. Narratives will be set by large media outlets and worsened by political operatives.

Or: they could skip it entirely and pre-empt the delayers
Anyway, if you'd like to read the full story, please Buy My Book™. We're solidly in the era of the 'Climate blackout' now - in cause, in blame, consequence and solutions. And South Australia has the template that all the worst players are going to follow

Oh also links I forgot to post:

Blackout report from grid operator https://t.co/770Pgci2Vl

A post I did on it: https://t.co/tijq9EGQNE

Live Aus grid data: https://t.co/RjzssuC5OX

V v v good VRE integration study: https://t.co/kqCPZpzuIw
Oh! also - a relatively detailed study by Aus' grid operator on the potential impacts of climate change on a grid that is undergoing a transition. Every high-VRE grid in the world is going to have a 'South Australia' moment - so this is important!

Augh, I totally forgot to include it, but there's also the time that the West Australian mining lobby paid for fake accounts to content trying to spread fear and doubt and panic about renewables causing blackouts:


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The forests of Russia, Mongolia, Canada, Scandinavia and the US will experience unprecedented destructive heat by 2029 with staggering consequences for life on Earth.

Feedback loops created by permafrost melt & wildfire destruction represent just a few of the terrifying effects of climate change on boreal forest ecosystems, which are particularly at risk to rising temperatures. ⚠️🔥


Massive wildfires are already here.

More forest fires are burning in the Arctic in recent years than any time in the last 10,000 years.

🔺these massive arctic fires are showing worrying signs of becoming a vicious cycle

Wildfire-related carbon releases from permafrost regions will quadruple within decades.

Arctic wildfires, impacted by global warming, are in turn contributing to more climate breakdown.

🔺An increase in boreal & tundra fires in the future will enhance permafrost thawing.

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Once upon a time there was a Raja named Uttānapāda born of Svayambhuva Manu,1st man on earth.He had 2 beautiful wives - Suniti & Suruchi & two sons were born of them Dhruva & Uttama respectively.
#talesofkrishna https://t.co/E85MTPkF9W

Now Suniti was the daughter of a tribal chief while Suruchi was the daughter of a rich king. Hence Suruchi was always favored the most by Raja while Suniti was ignored. But while Suniti was gentle & kind hearted by nature Suruchi was venomous inside.

The story is of a time when ideally the eldest son of the king becomes the heir to the throne. Hence the sinhasan of the Raja belonged to Dhruva.This is why Suruchi who was the 2nd wife nourished poison in her heart for Dhruva as she knew her son will never get the throne.

One day when Dhruva was just 5 years old he went on to sit on his father's lap. Suruchi, the jealous queen, got enraged and shoved him away from Raja as she never wanted Raja to shower Dhruva with his fatherly affection.

Dhruva protested questioning his step mother "why can't i sit on my own father's lap?" A furious Suruchi berated him saying "only God can allow him that privilege. Go ask him"