My work is sometimes criticized for not discussing the merits of lockdown—perhaps even exculpating western leaders by blaming the CCP. Others know better. This thread is for the victims of lockdown, the greatest crime of the 21st century.

2/ Over 60% of business closures from lockdown are now permanent—over 97,000 businesses lost in the U.S. That “leaders” across the world transformed into tyrants, believing they had a right to bankrupt their subjects, is the core evil of lockdown.
3/ Nearly half of black-owned small businesses have been wiped out.
4/ Unemployment in the U.S. reached as high as 14.7% and highways have jammed with thousands of vehicles awaiting their turn at food banks.
5/ Nearly 5% of the population of the U.K. went hungry during the first three weeks of lockdown.
6/ A survey found that 22% of Canadians were experiencing high anxiety levels, a four-fold increase from before the lockdowns, while the number reporting symptoms of depression doubled to 13%.
7/ More than 40 U.S. states have reported increases in opioid-related mortality.
8/ And, per CDC, despite mass PCR testing and disproportionate false positives, at least 100,947 excess deaths in 2020 were not even linked to COVID-19 AT ALL. In other words, over 100,000 Americans were murdered this year by their OWN GOVERNMENT.
9/ Though at little risk from the virus itself, young people bore an outsized share of the burden. More than 70% of adults ages 18-23 said they experienced common symptoms of depression.
10/ CDC revealed that young adults aged 25-44 years saw the largest increase in “excess” deaths from previous years, a stunning 26.5% JUMP, despite accounting for FEWER THAN 3% of deaths from COVID-19.
11/ In Ireland, reports of rape and child sex abuse nearly doubled.
12/ Suicides jumped to unprecedented levels around the world. “We've never seen numbers like this in such a short period of time,” said Walnut Creek’s Dr. Mike deBoisblanc. “I mean we've seen a year's worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.”
13/ “September of 2020 has been the highest month ever that we've seen suicidal patients admitted to our medical center,” said Kia Carter, M.D., medical director of Psychiatry at Cook Children’s Hospital.
14/ In Japan, government statistics show suicide claimed more lives in October than Covid-19 did over the entire year to date.
15/ And, despite being at virtually no risk from COVID, as a result of lockdowns, children have suffered the most of all. Nearly one in four children living under lockdowns are dealing with anxiety, with many at risk of lasting psychological distress.
16/ In recent surveys of over 6000 children and parents in the US, Germany, Finland, Spain and the UK by Save the Children, up to 65% of the children struggled with boredom and feelings of isolation.
17/ Children’s health and intellectual development has regressed. Some who were potty-trained before lockdowns have reverted to diapers, and others have forgotten basic numbers or how to use a knife and fork.
18/ American children over the age of ten have engaged in 50% less physical activity during lockdown.
19/ Achievement gaps have widened, and early literacy has declined.
20/ And, most horrifyingly of all, a study from the United Kingdom found a 1,493% rise in the incidence of abusive head trauma among children over the course of the COVID-19 crisis.
21/ These are not statistics. They’re old friends, loved ones, and intelligent human beings with thoughts, feelings, and dreams, whose lives have been needlessly destroyed by our own governments’ policies.
22/ But while these statistics in developed nations may be horrifying, they pale in comparison to the suffering of untold millions in the developing world, cast into starvation and poverty as a result of our lockdowns.
23/ In India, millions of stranded workers lost their livelihoods and marched in exodus to far-off villages.
24/ In South Africa, food lines stretched for miles.
25/ Quarantined migrants in Saudi Arabia were left to die. “The guards just throw the bodies out back as if it was trash.”
26/ The United Nations forewarned of a “famine of biblical proportions” with 265 million people “literally marching to the brink of starvation”
27/ The UN later estimated that the crisis had “pushed an additional 150 million children into multidimensional poverty—deprived of education, health, housing, nutrition, sanitation or water.”
28/ All this for a virus that caused no above-average mortality in countries without lockdowns—and which WHO estimates already infected 10% of people worldwide by October. In other words, all for absolutely nothing.
29/ Lockdown supporters may cower from these facts, but that doesn’t make them any less real. Journalists pretend to fool each other, dissociating by attributing these travesties to the “pandemic” instead of “lockdowns.” But God is not fooled.
30/ Due to the CCP’s lockdown fraud, millions of lives have been destroyed and millions murdered—by their own governments. The CCP and its enablers must be held accountable to stop lockdowns, ensure they never happen again, and see that justice is done.

More from Category c19

1/: The inventor of the corona PCR-Test @c_drosten is one of the #protagonists of the current crisis. He is known for involving himself in contradictions. In 2014, he gave a legendary #interview to @wiwo (https://t.co/jzTRh5Suhc) that I will address in this ⬇️short thread⬇️.

2/: The interview is significant because @c_drosten made totally sane statements back then that follow the principle of common sense. Considering his involvement in the "genesis of the current pandemic", his assertions appear in an entirely different

3/: In 2014, for instance, washing the hands was sufficient against being infected by coronaviruses. Several years he demands measures that destroy national economies and social life worldwide.

4/: Young @c_drosten also severely criticized the fact that Saudi Arabia used the PCR method to detect potential infections. From his point of view, that specific method could lead to many irrelevant cases. Nowadays, his view shifted his opinion towards 'collective punishment'.

5/: Whereas he demands "testing, testing, testing" nowadays and spreads panic and fear via (social) media, he heavily condemned that behaviour of Saudi media in 2014. On top of that, he expressed his concern that medial panic could increase the number of lab tests significantly.
1/: Avicenna was a Persian scientist, who lived 1000 years ago. He put two lambs in separate cages, which had the same health conditions. But only one lamb could see a wolf that was put in a third cage. The observations were astounding. (h/t @farmer_student) ⬇️a thread⬇️

2/: Both lambs were provided with the same feed. Also, the weight was exactly the same when the experiment started. Several months later, the lamb with sight on the wolf became cranky, restless, weak, and showed a significant weight loss and signs of poor development.

3/: The lamb that was under chronic stress as it was placed in a situation of constant apparent danger died eventually. 🐑🪦 In fact, the wolf did not pose a danger at all, but this was beyond the lamb's perception.

4/: This experiment showed that increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol have a bad impact on the metabolism of mammals. And 1000 years after this experiment, we are facing a similar situation again but with the difference that we are aware of the impact of stress.

5/: Currently, we are overwhelmed with medial and governmental propaganda with respect to a common cold virus (that might hypothetically be more lethal though) that doesn't do harm to the majority of the people. Extreme global measures are taken.

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