1/: Avicenna was a Persian scientist, who lived 1000 years ago. He put two lambs in separate cages, which had the same health conditions. But only one lamb could see a wolf that was put in a third cage. The observations were astounding. (h/t @farmer_student) ⬇️a thread⬇️

2/: Both lambs were provided with the same feed. Also, the weight was exactly the same when the experiment started. Several months later, the lamb with sight on the wolf became cranky, restless, weak, and showed a significant weight loss and signs of poor development.
3/: The lamb that was under chronic stress as it was placed in a situation of constant apparent danger died eventually. 🐑🪦 In fact, the wolf did not pose a danger at all, but this was beyond the lamb's perception.
4/: This experiment showed that increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol have a bad impact on the metabolism of mammals. And 1000 years after this experiment, we are facing a similar situation again but with the difference that we are aware of the impact of stress.
5/: Currently, we are overwhelmed with medial and governmental propaganda with respect to a common cold virus (that might hypothetically be more lethal though) that doesn't do harm to the majority of the people. Extreme global measures are taken. https://t.co/76fooWEBOD
6/: These measures include:
👉🏼 Being locked away (#StayHome, curfew, etc.)
👉🏼 Closing all sports facilities
👉🏼 Restricting social life
👉🏼 Destroying livelihoods (i.e. uncertain futures)
👉🏼 Promoting social divide and destroying families
👉🏼 Using unsufficiently-tested vaccines
7/: Almost everybody on this planet is living in constant fear. Feer and internal unrest is the dominant feeling that people have, especially as media constantly outdo themselves with respect to #fearporn and #gaslighting methods. https://t.co/cQ7XlM5ipl
8/: As Avicenna showed, this method is totally counterproductive. The mammal homo sapiens requires the feeling of security and comfort to strive. Constant stress leads to cytokine storms that cause chronic inflammations and thus a weaker immune system. This is general knowledge.
9/: It is surely not about our health, otherwise we would not observe the following events:
👉🏼 Censorship
👉🏼 Suppression of evidence
👉🏼 Constant vaccine commercials/propaganda (people would take them voluntarily in a real pandemic)
👉🏼 Closed schools and restaurants [continues]
10/: [continued]
👉🏼 Introduction of the new normal
👉🏼 A test that actually creates cases
👉🏼 Testing asymptomatics
👉🏼 Destroying the middle class
👉🏼 The 'Event 201' and Gov. Panic Papers
👉🏼 Re-labelling of dead people
👉🏼 Empty hospitals and dancing staff
👉🏼 Survival rate of 99+%
11/: The survival rate is an important factor. It is very high, compared to the observed one in the lamb-experiment. Given the stress, it is very hard to determine the root cause of the observed slightly above-average death rate. But was it due to the measures or the virus?
12/: I am convinced that the majority of excess-fatalities is caused by the measures. I think that if we had tested the global population for the (currently extinct) flu using a similar high-Ct PCR test, then we would have observed much higher flu-related facility numbers.
13/: And now imagine a Western country that totally forewent spreading medial fear (and no, Swedish media did so too) but instead promoted healthy food, doing sports, fought loneliness, and thus took away the fear from the citizens. A better outcome for society? Yes, I think so.
14/: My assumptions are underpinned by a high amount of scientific publications. This one written by Glaser and Glaser (1999) deals with chronic stress and mortality among older adults. https://t.co/tA31IF8cjF
15/: Loneliness, on the other hand, also leads to increased cortisol levels and eventually to an earlier death. All of this is not necessary. There is no need to forbid the elderly to be visited by their family. These measures are simply inhuman. https://t.co/nGuSg1sgxk
16/: It is definitely time to enlighten people that the measures are most likely designed to cause social and economic destruction instead of keeping us healthy. The only class that profits from the current events is the top 1% and their political servants - our shepherds.
17/: And yet, most of the sheep keep on trusting the malicious shepherds, although there is considerable evidence that unmasks their underlying objective.
18/: I think the main problem is that science is currently being misused. The pandemic became a matter of belief and it usually requires severe events to lose faith in something that one really believed in. This is why even persuasive arguments won't convince COVID's witnesses.
19/: The good news is that the upcoming events will cause many personal misfortunes. Whenever we observe such an individual fate, we can provide support to that person to eventually bring back sanity and rationalism to this beautiful planet to ensure a worthwhile future.🌍❤️

More from Dr. Simon ツ

1/ Happy to announce that we have submitted our #paper ‘Bayes Lines Tool (BLT) - A SQL-script for analyzing diagnostic test results with an application to SARS-CoV-2-testing’.

In this ⬇️thread⬇️, I will explain why our tool is that powerful for decision makers. #UnbiasedScience

2/ In the meantime, the submitted paper is available on the preprint platform @zenodo_org. Factual criticism is highly desired and encouraged. The publication itself presents a seminal Bayesian calculator, the Bayes Lines Tool (BLT). (Petje af, @waukema!)

3/ The Bayes Line Tool (available on
https://t.co/jIomSIxOd9) is able to back-solve disease #prevalence, test #sensitivity, test #specificity, and therefore, true positive, false positive, true negative and false negative numbers from official governmental test outcome reports.

4/ This is done by creating confusion matrices with four variables. Namely: TP, FP, TN, FN. In order to calculate the matrices, we need prevalence, specificity, and sensitivity as well as the number of people that got tested (within a given period) and the number of positives.

5/ The number of positives and the number of tests are given by the government. Prevalence, specificity, and sensitivity are unknown. So we assume any combination of them ranging from 0-99%. These three combinations can amount up to #millions of #combinations.
1/: The Nuremberg Code is a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation created as a result of the Nuremberg trials at the end of the Second World War. In light of the current events, they are more actual than ever before. ⬇️an important thread⬇️

2/: These so-called ‘Doctors’ Trial’ focused on physicians who conducted #inhumane and #unethical human experiments in German concentration camps, in addition to those who were involved in over 3,500,000 sterilizations of German citizens. (the picture shows doctors/criminals)

3/: Ten points of the code were given in the section of the verdict entitled "Permissible Medical Experiments". They can be found in detail on the following website:

4/: Point #1 means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, or deceit.

5/: Using an insufficiently-tested vaccine on humans is unethical. However, as long as people voluntarily consent to receive the vaccine, being informed about all risks, everything is OK. Doing this with force, however, is against the Nuremberg Code.
1/: The inventor of the corona PCR-Test @c_drosten is one of the #protagonists of the current crisis. He is known for involving himself in contradictions. In 2014, he gave a legendary #interview to @wiwo (https://t.co/jzTRh5Suhc) that I will address in this ⬇️short thread⬇️.

2/: The interview is significant because @c_drosten made totally sane statements back then that follow the principle of common sense. Considering his involvement in the "genesis of the current pandemic", his assertions appear in an entirely different

3/: In 2014, for instance, washing the hands was sufficient against being infected by coronaviruses. Several years he demands measures that destroy national economies and social life worldwide.

4/: Young @c_drosten also severely criticized the fact that Saudi Arabia used the PCR method to detect potential infections. From his point of view, that specific method could lead to many irrelevant cases. Nowadays, his view shifted his opinion towards 'collective punishment'.

5/: Whereas he demands "testing, testing, testing" nowadays and spreads panic and fear via (social) media, he heavily condemned that behaviour of Saudi media in 2014. On top of that, he expressed his concern that medial panic could increase the number of lab tests significantly.
Substantial analysis of @BenMarten regarding the mortality in Germany. Particularly noticeable is the "excess mortality" in December. Ben states that "lockdown deaths" could play an important role here. I would like to elaborate my thoughts on that. ⬇️Mini-Thread⬇️

Factor 1: Vitamin D deficiency.

Many people (especially elderly) have been locked in during the summer. Also the majority of holiday trips have been cancelled, leading to a lower 25(OH)D blood serum level as usual. The body can store vitamin D up to several months.

As vitamin D is a hormon that modulates the immune responses, we can assume that the lockdown measures had some adverse effect on our immune system. Especially elderly people in retirement homes must have been severely affected.

Factor 2: Loneliness

"Loneliness, it seems, can lead to long-term "fight-or-flight" stress signaling, which negatively affects immune system functioning. Simply put, people who feel lonely have less immunity and more inflammation than people who

Factor 3: Hyper Hygiene

Constant disinfections and high hygienic standards weaken the immune system. It gets literally "out of

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