OK, as promised. I've gathered all my screenshots, post-it notes and general scraps with the novel advice I've received or found in the last few months. Everything in public domain, e.g. in tweets blog posts & I've credited people. I've paraphrased in some cases. Here goes!

- what is my MCs dilemma? Keep the story tight. Cut away anything that eclipses this. Do this with all your characters. Look for patterns / mirrors. - Wiz Wharton
- Does this move the plot forward? What's the impact on the MC? How does the chapter end? - Helen French
- Is protagonist active enough? Do they have a clear and active goal? Are they trying to get it? Do they have real and intense obstacles? - Kirsty Logan
- Are they moving the plot or only reacting to it? Are they driving their own story?- Briston Books
- Where is the vulnerability for this character? In first drafts, don't withhold information to create tension - it's preferable for the release of tension to come from the dynamic between characters (or character's psyche) rather than release of information - Kaitlyn Greenidge
Plot (sort of)
- don't tie up things too neatly from one page to the next. Increase suspense and then start giving the reader something new to worry about your character. - Sophie Van Llewyn
Editing (sort of)
- Do a pass for plot holes and missed opportunities, then character arcs, then world building - Christopher Sergi
- Look for sense of story, consistency of character, check tone and atmosphere and emotional content - Lesley Holmes / Kathryn White
- BE in your character's POV, not tell the reader you're in their POV - Barbara Byar (I think passing on advice from Kit de Wall?)
- Do you expand consciousness? Do you tell us something new? Do you illuminate a facet of the human condition? - Brittany Terwilliger
OK, these are things that particularly struck a chord with me - you may agree or disagree but maybe you'll find them helpful. Thanks to all who generously share their advice and thoughts on writing. And good luck to all my fellow novelists trying this for the first time x

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