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Here's a response to @paulisci's excellent thread about the bizarre spectrum of things women have been blamed for. Just a few of my #VintageMagTweets I can find include: how women wanting to have a nice time in bed has ruined sex for men:

Women are too lazy to fight off sexual violence or to ask for proper political representation. Their fault again.

The Peter in the first clipping is Peter Sutcliffe, who was convicted of murdering 13 women.

Submit entirely to a man's sexual assault or it's your fault if he gets violent.

Women at fault here for being awkward enough to have women's bodies.
Some of the transwomen dominating in women's sport

"Trans men" dominating in men's sport

But don't limit your daughter's ambitions by telling her she won't beat men with the same training of the same age in most sports. Lead her to a life of perpetual disappointment until she's used to being crushed & a second class person, and tell her you were helping @JeffMBourne