Belgian snapper Regine Mahaux took these pics in April of 2010. The same month that the brokeass TV reality host got his quickie refund from the government. He was the top Chapter 11 filer in America in the last 30 years.

"he was far more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life."
"a president who routinely promotes his businesses in an official capacity while they haul in hundreds of millions of dollars from mostly unknown sources is a clear case of corruption"
After he lost the election he desperately raised $250 million using a variety of scams and false campaigns.
Beneath all the bluster, bullshit and braggadocio, he was always on the grift. Racing to stay one step ahead of creditors and tax investigations. When the cultists wake up they will see it was all about a pitchman pretending to be President to make money.
Viewed through this frantic economic lens his entire abuse of the presidential office was about using the media profile, selling access and shaking down other desperate people via bagmen like George Nader, Elliott Broidy, Rudy, Jared and so many more.
Most of our foreign and much of domestic policy decisions were made to generate cash to minions and family members. The question is who hid his money and where? #JaredSeemsKindaSweaty
In the rearview mirror, we see a man desperate for money. Eager to say anything, to do anything, to screw anyone, to make money. A man who had to hire his family and promote his brand who again finds himself financially upside down in very tight times.

More from Business

Introducing "The Balloon Effect"

Many businesses & creators have experienced a similar pattern of success.

From @MrBeastYT and @MorningBrew to @oatly and @Rovio.

Let's break down what "The Balloon Effect" is and examples of it in real life.

Keep reading 👇

1/ What is "The Balloon Effect"?

It is a particular pattern of growth.

It is not Instagram's growth trajectory.

It is not's growth trajectory.

"The Balloon Effect" is defined by several years of hard work & grit complemented by slow, linear growth.

2/ And then one day, one month, or one quarter...everything changes.

A business hits a tipping point and its trajectory shifts entirely.

Gradual growth turns to exponential growth & your brand and your size explode.

Like a step function.

3/ Now, you're probably wondering.

Why is it called "The Balloon Effect"?

Because filling/popping a water balloon follows the exact pattern I just described (and so many businesses experience).

Long unsexy slog 👉 Exponential tipping point.

4/ Initially, you turn on the faucet & water takes up space in the empty balloon.

Through effort you open the faucet, yet the results are unexciting.

But it's what must be done for water (or growth) to happen at all.

It's not sexy, but it's necessary.

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