0/Why HODL?

Bitcoin is a proxy for the struggle for human dignity. It is a peaceful revolution seeking to displace the anomaly of false monies. The world stands at the cusp of social and political upheaval. Though many look to politics, money’s fate will determine our future.

1/HODLers voluntarily participate in the reformation of money. This is a multi-generational effort to secure & ensure a future sans fiat. HODL forms the basis of a simple ideological framework entirely forward looking. It abandons past constructs & releases one from the present.
2/HODLers sacrifice present needs for future rewards. Not just monetary riches, but the gift of an economy free of fiat’s false prosperity. Bitcoin succeeds where fiat fails. Savings is rejoiced, opportunity is available for all.
3/Our civilization is engaged in an epic conflict this time centered around money. Greater than any physical battle in history, fiat’s war on the public seeks deep authoritarian control over every aspect of life. You will work, live, love at their mercy, upon their whims.
4/Historically conflict existed at physical borders between tribes and nations. Members forged ideological bonds allowing them to selflessly coordinate, overcome threats and establish regional security.
5/Distant corners of the fallen Roman Empire had to contend with its old enemies. These disparate regions formed not only military alliances but religious, cultural and ideological cooperatives. An emergent social framework fostered a common goal: survive.
6/The USD is our Roman Empire and despite reassurances, rest assured, we already live in its waning shadow. This time the war for global dominance has moved to the digital realm. Central banks are armed and will deploy their assets to great effect.
7/The old guard assaults Bitcoin with circular logic arguments, recycled FUD, and a host of regulations. They brand Bitcoin as corruption, waste and disaster. Their discourse dovetails into a larger cultural movement of behavior and thought control.
8/It is a well funded effort to stitch the remains of a broken system back together. By any means necessary, the end game, a global socialist regime with total control over your livelihood. No accountability, just trust in a monolithic political body surveilling your every move.
9/HODLers respond with logic and memes. They share knowledge across podcasts, craft beautiful essays, publish thoughtful books and tirelessly engage a growing army of rabid fiat foot soldiers. They posit a covenant of peace and prosperity.
10/HODLers are armed with math, science, philosophy and deliberate across nearly every discipline. They debunk commonly held beliefs engrained by the fiat education complex. They warn against inflation, debt and the great unseen theft of human time.
11/HODLers sharpen their wares, self-reflect & seek deeper understanding of Bitcoin’s limitless capacity. They sojourn through the longest winters for a distant promise. Many alone, many lost but an assemblage of the resilient will survive and thrive.
12/The HODL mantra is not just a meme but the spearhead and the shield against what will be an ongoing struggle between fiat and sound money. HODLers man the front and like freedom seeking forebearers of antiquity come from all walks of life joined under a single banner.
13/It is a simple but profound call to duty forging a virtual community from across the planet bent on undoing 100+ years of central bank follies. Generations of time is at stake. A civilization stands at the precipice.
Fin/But Bitcoin doesn’t care. If you’re just investing, sell, collect your dollars, move on. The journey may be too long & arduous for you. But if you seek enlightenment, HODL.

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