President Biden is signing an Executive Order today that will put an end to the Keystone XL pipeline.

I’m sharing a few of the pieces I wrote re #NoKXL that shows how long my people have been fighting it. Water the Life giver was published by Indian Country Today in 2011.

I wrote KXL equals death in 2013 for Indian Country Today. Eventually, President Obama heeded our wishes & stopped the Keystone XL Pipeline. Trump revived it on one of his first days in office. Now Biden will revoke the permit. It’s been a long, hard fought battle. #NoKXL
Here is a spirit camp held in 2014 by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, offering prayers to stop the pipeline. #NoKXL
Our Tribes signed a treaty together United against Keystone XL.
The movement really got going when a small group of elders went out on a Reservation road and put their bodies in the path of trucks hauling construction equipment for the Keystone XL Pipeline. #NoKXL
The Ponca of Nebraska have been fighting the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline through their ancestral lands for years. #NoKXL
The Fort Peck Tribe have been outspoken in fighting the Keystone XL Pipeline in Montana.
Native women played an incredible role in #NoKXL.
The fight to stop Keystone XL continued into this year. Youth from Cheyenne River stood alone to be our voice in hostile meetings. #NoKXL
In May of 2020, Biden pledged to rescind the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. This decision was highly influential in getting Natives to vote for him. Keeping your word matters.

More from Biden

"Ban" is a verb meaning to "officially or legally prohibit" something. If the Biden administration is not approving new fracking permits, how is that not "officially or legally prohibiting" new fracking permits?

The economy is bleeding, and the Biden administration's response is to cripple one of the few industries that has been consistently employing people throughout this crisis.

But, his allies in the media don't want him to take that PR hit, so they run cover and play word games. Biden's exact words were "We are not going to ban fracking. Period." The "Period." there would imply that ANY ban is off the table.

If you are going to prohibit via executive order - which is nothing more than a law passed outside of the normal legislative process - anything, you are "legally" prohibiting it. There are legal consequences to violating that regulation.

So yes, definitionally, Biden has "legally prohibited" fracking in some way, shape, or form, which is the opposite of his campaign statements.

In other words, he lied.

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