1. News: WATCH: Oregon School TEACHER Has Complete Meltdown at Anti-Lockdown Protesters... Screams “B-TCH KILL YOURSELF”-

-Thread 12.07.2020 https://t.co/yZpA8tOoGV

Typical Biden Supporter.

https://t.co/SWubJEd4y0 #Parents #Parents #Children #SaveTheChildren

2. News: Georgia: Biden Supporter Ruby Freeman Lawyers Up, Cancels Interview —

“I Won’t Be Able to Be Interviewed – I Need an Attorney”

- Thread 12.07.20 https://t.co/mtDR7YQoHD #Georgia #Election #Ballots #BIDEN
3. News: Election Day Info BLACKOUT Shows US Media Is No Friend Of The People. Americans Must Demand Better https://t.co/X02b1Hr2XJ #EnemyOfThePeople
4. News: Iran Says Nuclear Scientist Was Assassinated Using Satellite-Controlled Gun https://t.co/ijJRyTe1rU
5. News: Bankers & Traders Deemed "Essential", Will Receive Priority Access For COVID Vaccines https://t.co/JevmxdglZm
6. News: Condo Interest In New York Suburbs Erupts As Exodus Accelerates https://t.co/vN5DbaAynk
7. News: Secretary Azar Says COVID Vaccine Approval Could Arrive "Within Days" https://t.co/RbTwVskYG5
8. News: Atty Lin Wood Plans SCOTUS Petition After Court Rejects #Georgia Appeal -

“The stakes are high as the case deals with a disputed Presidential election...

I intend to timely file a petition with the United States Supreme Court.” https://t.co/Rt3UP2qZwr @LLinWood
9. News: 'No Vaccine, No Work' - Employers Discuss Making COVID Immunity Mandatory For Workers -

The vaccine will only be "mandatory" for people who need to work for a living...

https://t.co/8LIwxRptI5 #COVID #VACCINE #MANDATE
10. News: 🚨🚨🚨

Ex-Pfizer Exec Demands EU Halt COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Over 'Indefinite Infertility' And Other Health Concerns https://t.co/8kGgOsOC5W #COVID #VACCINE #WARNING #Vaccination
11. News: Rich People & Journalists Made EXEMPT From Having To Enter COVID Quarantine In UK https://t.co/JbxqpTgo50
12. News: Your Smartphone Becomes Government Listening Device That Detects & Accesses All Nearby Wireless or Bluetooth Devices, or Anything That Has A MAC Address for That Matter... https://t.co/kR65WmS2BQ
13. News: BREAKING 💥Data Expert Edward Solomon Identified 200,000 Votes Hi-Jacked from President Trump to Joe Biden in Georgia at the Precinct Level https://t.co/uN2We8EA2Z #Election #Georgia @realDonaldTrump #Ballots
14. News: Statement From Plaintiff on Antrim County, MICHIGAN Lawsuit Reveals He Got “Damning Evidence” That “Points to Election Tampering”

“I do have evidence that you don’t know about that you haven’t seen. I can’t go beyond that.

https://t.co/9xjNOqgRV2 #ELECTION
15. News: President Trump Warns Democrats Want Socialism and ‘Communistic Form of Government’

“The voters of Georgia will determine which party runs every committee, writes every piece of legislation, control every single taxpayer dollar,”

16. News: Dershowitz Says Supreme Court May Rule to Let Legislators Pick Alternate Electors https://t.co/XhNAyKJghB
17. News: Arizona Legislature Closing for a Week After Giuliani Tests Positive for COVID-19:

“Out of an abundance of caution for recent cases and concerns relating to COVID-19, the House building will be closed for one week, starting Monday, Dec. 7” https://t.co/R1YfHSVXZK
18. News: Law Enforcement Seize Devices From Maricopa Home of Elliott Kerwin, an IT professional for 'Desert Oasis Technology' company, as Part of Probe Into Voter Data Theft https://t.co/Mu0n0nGZCH
19. News: MICHIGAN WITNESS Saw Systemic Voter Fraud in Detroit –

“They Didn’t Disqualify a Single Ballot” even though many ballots did not have voters who were on the list of legal voters,"

“They did some funky monkey stuff.”

https://t.co/xG2wNjIRen https://t.co/iFKOYCXllj
20. News: Georgia Governor Kemp Said Late Sunday He Would Not Call a Special Session of the State Legislature.

– Lawmakers say they don't need the governor's approval

21. News: Senator Braun Defends Election Fraud Probes, Says Legal Process Must Play Out -

“Asking questions about how unprecedented millions of mail-in ballots were verified & processed is not sour grapes over an election loss."

22. News: HUGE! WE CAUGHT THEM! Criminal Conspiracy Revealed —

3rd Suspect in GA “Suitcase Scandal” is Also the Same Man Who Spread Lies that Water Main Broke in State Farm Center!

23. News: Atlantic Water Dept Never Received a Call About a Water Main Break.

It was a scam.

Ralph Jones Jr Who Claimed There Was a Break Owns Consulting Firm,

— Worked for Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms

—Was in News for Shady Deal w/ Mayor

https://t.co/UmgDLwjQ3R #GEORGIA
24. News: Ralph Jones taking time out to speak with the other 2 suspects Ruby Freeman & daughter while they were filmed counting ballots. https://t.co/UmgDLwjQ3R https://t.co/IOga8xDqwC #Georgia #Atlanta #Election #Ballots
25. News: Reported Burst Pipe in Atlanta Ballot Counting Area Was Overflowing URINAL:

The overflowing “did not affect the counting of votes by Fulton County... ” the Investigator wrote https://t.co/r0bBFQBXJ0
26. News: Protesters Gather Outside Home of Michigan Elections Chief/ Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Chanting ‘Stop the Steal’ https://t.co/cBrSjY9nX9
27. News: Director of National Intelligence: Election ‘Issues’ Need to Be Resolved Before Winner Declared https://t.co/60FB22vnXW #TrumpWon
28. News: On Dec. 2, 2020, President Donald Trump delivered a speech:

With Our Election System Under Assault, Americans Need to Speak Up

https://t.co/NQZfFO9NLO #SpeakUp #FightBack @realDonaldTrump #Patriots
29. News: California Patriot Sheriff Slams Governor Newsom's 'Dictatorial' Lockdowns, Won't Be 'Blackmailed, Bullied Or Used As Muscle' To Enforce —

"These closures & stay-at-home orders are flat-out ridiculous."

https://t.co/hNQvIv4pdC #FightBack #SpeakUp

More from Friend or Foe?

1. News: President Trump is named the MOST ADMIRED MAN in 2020 🥰: Gallup

-Thread 12.29.20 https://t.co/BYwhc23gtm @realDonaldTrump #MyPresident #WINNER #LOVE #TrumpWon

2. News: What’s This About? On January 6th, After Overseeing Declaration of the Winner of the 2020 Election, VP Pence Will Jump on a Plane and Fly Overseas
https://t.co/vFUq0teec6 #TrumpWon

3. News: New Video Links Biden to Ukrainian Corruption –

Burisma Indictment Reveals Ex-President Yanukovich Illegally Obtained $7.4 Billion Laundered Thru Fund “Close to US Democratic Party”

4. News: Flashback to April 2019:
Why then do they tell us to get Flu Shots?

5. News: BREAKING 💥💥💥White House Has Extensive Evidence Of Foreign Interference In Nov 3rd Election…

Example 1: Nevada Secretary of State Sent Voter Information To Pakistani Intelligence

Times of London: Tedros “was a crucial decision maker in relation to security service actions that included killing, arbitrarily detaining & torturing Ethiopians.” -Thread 12.15.20 https://t.co/VdtT8cXRu1 #WHO

2 .News: Gym Owner in 'Lions Not Sheep' Cap Dares Governor To Take Him Down, Racks Up More Than 100k 'Likes'
https://t.co/nqHAHcQBGA #Patriot #FightBack

3. News: 'Everybody Fears AOC': Queens Residents Completely Dismantle AOC for Being a Job Killer

4. News: LEAK CONFIRMED: Chinese Communists Have Infiltrated Top Companies, Governments In US, UK, Australia

5. News: Flashback: Warnock Called GOP Senators 'Gangsters and Thugs' Who 'Kill Children'

More from Biden

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Nano Course On Python For Trading
Module 1

Python makes it very easy to analyze and visualize time series data when you’re a beginner. It's easier when you don't have to install python on your PC (that's why it's a nano course, you'll learn python...

... on the go). You will not be required to install python in your PC but you will be using an amazing python editor, Google Colab Visit

This course is for anyone out there who is confused, frustrated, and just wants this python/finance thing to work!

In Module 1 of this Nano course, we will learn about :

# Using Google Colab
# Importing libraries
# Making a Random Time Series of Black Field Research Stock (fictional)

# Using Google Colab

Intro link is here on YT: https://t.co/MqMSDBaQri

Create a new Notebook at https://t.co/EZt0agsdlV and name it AnythingOfYourChoice.ipynb

You got your notebook ready and now the game is on!
You can add code in these cells and add as many cells as you want

# Importing Libraries

Imports are pretty standard, with a few exceptions.
For the most part, you can import your libraries by running the import.
Type this in the first cell you see. You need not worry about what each of these does, we will understand it later.