
Thread on Swastik and Swasti Vachan (listen video).

In it, we will learn how our Rishi-Munis visualized Swastik in sky and why our Vedas inherently confirm the impact of Nakshatras upon us & how closely constellations have been mapped in Sanatan culture.

RT too.


There are 27 Nakshatras in Vedic Jyotish. The 14th, which is Chitra Nakshatra, is the central one with 13 Nakshatras on either side. Even with the scheme of 28 Nakshatras (including Abhijit) mentioned in Vedas, the central point does not deviate much from Chitra.

Last Nakshatra Revati is almost 180° away from it. The line might not be straight, but for the purpose of visualization, a small variation would not bother. In this way, Sharavan Nakshatra is about 90° away from Chitra & Pushya Nakshatra is about 90° away from Revati.

So, Pushya, Chitra, Shravan and Revati Nakshatras constitute mutually right angles and can be visualized as the four cardinal points of Zodiac. If lines are drawn to connect them, a "+" would be formed. A Parikrama is followed, that is, it appears from left to right.

Swastik becomes naturally evident when four points are joined with cross lines and direction arrows.

But how does Swasti Vachan (video) in first tweet signify Swastik and pray for benevolent impact of Nakshatras upon us? Let us read some names mentioned in Swasti Vachan.

May the Vradhhashrava (one who has enlarged/longer earlobes) Indra, the omniscient Pusha, the never perishing Garuda and Brihaspati bless us with all the well-beings (Swasti) in all ways .

In Vedic texts (Taitteeriya Samhita), the ruling deity of Chitra is Indra.

The deity of the next Nakshatra Revati is Pusha or Sun. He is considered the resource of all knowledge (Vishvaveda). He is also one of the Pravartakas of Jyotish as per many revered minds. So, Pusha in this Mantra directly implies Revati Nakshatra by invoking of Surya/Sun.

The word Tarkshya (Tri + Riksha) means three stars, which is direct reference to Shravan which also has three stars. Tarkshya also means Garuda who is Vaahan (carrier) of Vishnu Bhagwan. Vedic texts mention Vishnu as the presiding deity of Shravan Nakshatra.

The use of word Brihaspati is a direct reference to Pushya Nakshatra. Brihaspati is also the deity of this Nakshatra. It is known to be the Janma Nakshatra of Brihaspati.

Thus, all 4 points including centre Chitra, each about 90° apart, have been named in Swasti shloka.

Where is Swastik Mantra mentioned? Yajurveda 25.19.

Thus, this mantra not only tells 4 Nakshatras in sky but it also prays for benediction from them thereby acknowledging they have impact on human beings. This is the reason that Swastik symbol represents benevolence.

Some people claim Vedas do not validate Jyotish (astrology) but this Mantra falsifies them all by acknowledging impact of Nakshatras on us through their presiding deities.

This way Swastik was manifested by our Rishis by praying well-being for us.

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