Men, if you want a good physique, read this:

1. Create a system that works for you.

Decide when and where you’ll train.

Look at your schedule and ask, “When am I most likely to succeed?”

Mornings. Evenings. Lunches. Whatever’s best.

Work with your schedule, not against it.
2. Stop relying on motivation, start relying on discipline.

You won’t always feel like training. But the truth is nobody does.

Motivation gets you started but it always runs out.

Never depend on it.
3. Pick a strength training program.

It doesn’t matter which. It’s easy to overplan.

But the truth is they all work. You just need to give one your focus.
4. Focus on compound lifts:

• Squat
• Deadlift
• Flat + Incline Bench
• Overhead Press
• Pull Ups

80% of your results will come from these.
5. Men, if you want to:

- Stop procrastinating
- Become a top 1% male
- Build unstoppable habits
- Gain top tier confidence

Read "Iron Clad Discipline" and become an unstoppable man.

Click here:
6. Train everything.

Yes, this means don’t avoid legs.

And trust me, women like legs as much as they do biceps.

Take pride in building everything, not just what’s on show.
7. Identity change.

The goal isn’t to get ripped, it’s to become an athlete.

When you think of yourself as one, you don’t rely on motivation.

You know how to act because you know who you are.

When in doubt, just ask, “What would an athlete do?”
8. Never miss twice.

You’re not perfect. Workouts will be missed.

Most people beat themselves up about this, but instead accept you’ll miss one session here and there.

Missing one won’t make a huge impact.

Missing two sets up a pattern. Make a rule to never miss twice.
If you enjoyed this thread, retweet the first tweet and follow me @AOMasculinity

This account exists to help men:

• Build power
• Build strength
• Build masculinity

Have a good day!

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Starts the night before.

9 evening habits that make all the difference:

1. Write down tomorrow's 3:3:3 plan

• 3 hours on your most important project
• 3 shorter tasks
• 3 maintenance activities

Defining a "productive day" is crucial.

Or else you'll never be at peace (even with excellent output).

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2. End the workday with a shutdown ritual

Create a short shutdown ritual (hat-tip to Cal Newport). Close your laptop, plug in the charger, spend 2 minutes tidying your desk. Then say, "shutdown."

Separating your life and work is key.

3. Journal 1 beautiful life moment

Delicious tacos, presentation you crushed, a moment of inner peace. Write it down.

Gratitude programs a mindset of abundance.

4. Lay out clothes

Get exercise clothes ready for tomorrow. Upon waking up, jump rope for 2 mins. It will activate your mind + body.

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