20 Incredibly Easy Ways I learned in my 20s that will Put You 90% Ahead of People and I'll teach you under 5 minutes


1. Find Work You Love and Put Your Heart and Soul Into It

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work another day in your life.
2. Focus on the Task at Hand

Do the best you can where you are with what you have.
3. Always Do the Right Thing, Even When It’s Hard

Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can.
4. Take Initiative

Even if you’re already very good at your job, do whatever you can to push your limits.
5. Be Part of the Solution

Don’t be known as someone who is always complaining about something.
6. Alway Tell the Truth

Let people know they can count on you to be honest even when it creates difficulties.
7. Help as Many People as You Can Along the Way

Become someone people seek out for assistance.
8. Avoid Gossip Always

It should go without saying, but turn a deaf ear to gossip and rumors.
9. Double Your Income by Tripling Your Knowledge

Don’t let your knowledge and skills become outdated.
10. Mind Your Emotions

When you’re angry, count to 10; before you speak, count to 100.
11. Make Small Daily Improvements for Stunning Results

Most of the time, success consists of a series of little daily efforts.
12. Be Masterful at What You Do Despite the Obstacles

No person fails who does his or her best.
13. Don’t Feed Your Fears

Have faith that you will make it through.
14. Learn to Ask for Help When You Need It

There is no such thing as a self-made person; you will reach your goals only with the help of others.
15. Set Goals and Get Results

It’s important to know where you are going, how you will get there, and what the outcome will be.
16. Persevere With Persistence

Success is largely a matter of hanging on long after others have let go.
17. Honor Your Commitments

When you make a promise,
18. Manage Your Stress

Take every action to minimize stress at work because you don’t want it to get the best of you.
19. Be True to Yourself

Everything you do should represent who you are.
20. Lead From Within

Everything you need for a successful life is within you now.
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