In 2 minutes, I'll give you 13 tips for beating procrastination...

1. Forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past.
2. Minimize distractions in your environment. Put down the phone and get to work.
3. Keep a to-do list and put it in order of priority.
4. Create a timeline with specific deadlines to accomplish tasks.
5. Enjoy the small wins, they all compound towards the bigger goal.
6. Don't focus on perfection, just get the work done.
7. Break down your goals into smaller chunks to avoid overwhelming yourself.
8. Stop making excuses for yourself.
9. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals.
10. Take control of your self-talk and avoid telling yourself negative things.
11. Manage your energy, not your time.
12. Do other easier tasks until your energy levels recover when you hit a block.
13. Remember that you are capable.
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