7 simple habits that will change your life (in 6 months or less):

— Thread —

James Clear says it best:

“If successful and unsuccessful people share the same goals, then the goal cannot be what differentiates the winners from the losers.”

If you want a better life, you need to build better habits.

Here are the 7 that changed mine:
1. Journaling

Daily journaling creates a sense of clarity.

It allows you to reflect on:

- Where you are
- Where you want to go
- And what you need to do to get there

Journaling for 15 minutes in the morning helps me stay focused on my goals throughout the day.
2. Delayed Gratification

You need to value long term gain over short term happiness.

Anything worth achieving takes time.

There will be days, sometimes weeks, where you seem to make very little progress.

Fall in love with the process and the results will come.
3. Plan your day

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” — Benjamin Franklin

It's easy to waste a day when you don't know what you should be doing.

A plan provides actionable steps to take towards your goals.

Spend 15 minutes each night planning for tomorrow.
4. Focused Work

You cannot make progress towards your goal without taking daily action.

Focused work is the way to do that.

Commit to 3-4 hours per day and you’ll change your life.
5. Sleep

If you neglect sleep, you'll underperform in every aspect of your life.

Easy ways to improve sleep:

- Avoid screens 1 hour before bed
- Keep your room dark, cool, and comfortable
- Wake up and go to sleep at the same time daily
6. Exercise

Exercise is a long term investment in your energy levels.

Daily exercise increases mental clarity & performance.

All you need to do is:

- Weight train 3-4x per week
- Increase your daily movement
7. Effort

Don't let the reason you came up short be from a lack of effort.

Your effort level is in your control, you have no reason not to give it 100%.

Once you find your passion:

- Show up daily
- Put in the work

The results will come.
Your success is not defined by your goals.

It is defined by the habits and systems you build.

Commit to 6 months of consistency and your life will be changed.
7 simple habits that will change your life:

1. Journaling
2. Delayed Gratification
3. Planning your day
4. Focused Work
5. Sleep
6. Exercise
7. Effort
If you made it this far, I appreciate you and your time.

Thank you for reading.

If you found any value in this thread please consider:

1. Following me for more content like this: @TheRiAnderson
2. Retweet the first tweet to share with your audience. https://t.co/BtkEVtTOKJ

I'm looking for 3 more men who want to change their life over the next 3 months.

We'll work 1 on 1 to build habits and systems that will help you drop fat sustainably and live a more fulfilling life.

DM me 'rewired' and I'll get you the info.


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Master Thread of all my threads!

Hello!! 👋

• I have curated some of the best tweets from the best traders we know of.

• Making one master thread and will keep posting all my threads under this.

• Go through this for super learning/value totally free of cost! 😃



Got these scanners from the following accounts:

1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sanjufunda
3. @sanstocktrader
4. @SouravSenguptaI
5. @Rishikesh_ADX

3. 12 TRADING SETUPS which experts are using.

These setups I found from the following 4 accounts:

1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191

4. Curated tweets on HOW TO SELL STRADDLES.

Everything covered in this thread.
1. Management
2. How to initiate
3. When to exit straddles
4. Examples
5. Videos on
The best morning routine?

Starts the night before.

9 evening habits that make all the difference:

1. Write down tomorrow's 3:3:3 plan

• 3 hours on your most important project
• 3 shorter tasks
• 3 maintenance activities

Defining a "productive day" is crucial.

Or else you'll never be at peace (even with excellent output).

Learn more

2. End the workday with a shutdown ritual

Create a short shutdown ritual (hat-tip to Cal Newport). Close your laptop, plug in the charger, spend 2 minutes tidying your desk. Then say, "shutdown."

Separating your life and work is key.

3. Journal 1 beautiful life moment

Delicious tacos, presentation you crushed, a moment of inner peace. Write it down.

Gratitude programs a mindset of abundance.

4. Lay out clothes

Get exercise clothes ready for tomorrow. Upon waking up, jump rope for 2 mins. It will activate your mind + body.

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It is a series of Sanskrit shlokas recited by Jambavant to Hanuman to remind Him of his true potential.

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