The biggest difference between men and women is that when you're a man, the absolute indifference of the universe towards you is the norm, it will only care when you make it care, and only for brief moments. To women this is almost lovecraftian horror they can't conceive of.

Men don't realize that most women can never comprehend this because it's just too horrifying to the female psychology. Women live their entire lives knowing people care about them, they take it for granted, it's the universal constant norm for 95 percent of women.
We care about them as children because humans generally care about the happiness and suffering of all children. Most women are pleasing to look at, so we look at them. When women are ugly or annoying, we pay attention to them even if it's negative attention.
Even when women are shitty we pay some form of attention to them, people care about annoying women because they are hard to ignore. People care about women in distress or sadness because we just do. We want to save women in danger.
This has nothing to do with their achievements, their character, just that they are women. When this constant electromagnetic field of empathy around them weakens a bit, particularly middle aged single women with no children, they talk about how cruel it is to be "invisible"
If you're a man, it's the inverse. The universe and the people in it are a yawning void of indifference, you are responsible for yourself. If you're sad you are expected to buck up, if you are having problems you are expected to fix them.
If you are too annoying you will be dismissed, told off, or get your ass kicked. If people care about you it's because you *built* relationships with them that made you a person they care about. If people admire you it's because you built a reputation, a physique, or an empire.
Cries for help from women are almost always answered, cries for help from men rarely are, be they metaphorical or literal. If you're a man, you need to understand that most women cannot understand or grok this. If you're a woman, you should try to comprehend that burden men have.
I'm not even knocking this state of affairs. I don't support the whole "Men should cry more and be more sensitive and raise a fuss" effeminate bullshit. The yawning void of indifference is our burden to bear by virtue of being men, you aren't a man without it.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have confidants to help you. Other men who can relate to this yawning chasm, to the struggles men face. Women can provide comfort and empathy, but most of them won't really and truly intellectually grasp and understand this difference.
You should always have fraternal bonds with other men to commiserate over, to share knowledge of similar experiences to help each other overcome obstacles and achieve things. Brotherhood is important, you aren't complete without it.
That being said, we've grown suspicious of each other because of the normalization of gay shit, and a lot of the people who peddle brotherhood and fraternity are either grifters, sex pests, homos, or some combination of these things. They bear false counsel, very grave sin.
I'm not here to sell you anything, but keep in contact with a group of your peers around shared interests and viewpoints, and naturally you'll eventually have a hierarchy of friends, elders, men. Everyone will know where the stack up subconsciously, you'll keep each other in line
If any man proclaims himself a chieftain, then he's not a chieftain, he's a con artist. People who try to neg you into following them are not real leaders, people who want you to pay money for their advice are not wise, they are pitch men who see you as a sale.
I've been in a lot of situations where small bands of dudes have to work together. A lot of that has been this kind of "digital mannerbund" of like minded near peers to each other, but also IRL in the military, with friends, at regular jobs.
An ecosystem with a good culture is a great place to be, like a forum or a website that is based. But nothing can ever beat the mannerbund group chat of a twitter GC, a private discord server, a telegram group, usually never with more than 30-50 people because it gets noisy.
Develop a mannerbund, a wise council of peers, of friends, of brothers. Just a bunch of bros in the same space, comiserating, this can be IRL, online, or a hybrid of both, but get you one son. I've been in many, I'm in several right now, and it's one way to escape the void.
Addendum: Don't blame women for not understanding this, it isn't actually their fault. It's not in their nature to understand this because most will never experience it.

When a woman who is insightful observes and actually grasps this, take a moment to appreciate it. It's rare.

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He has been wrong (or lying) so often that it will be nearly impossible for me to track every grift, lie, deceit, manipulation he has pulled. I will use...

... other sources who have been trying to shine on light on this grifter (as I have tried to do, time and again:

Example #1: "Still not seeing Sweden signal versus Denmark really"... There it was (Images attached).
19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.


Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

Tweets: /

Example #3 - "I'm only looking at what makes the data fit in my favour" a.k.a moving the goalposts.

Tweets: /

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