To learn web3, you must change how you think.

Here are 22 videos that UPGRADE your thinking (and your life):

1. 30 years ago the internet barely existed.

But today, it's an inescapable force that shapes every aspect of our behavior and our lives.

Conversation with @peretti and @cdixon
2. Some people see web3 as a threat.

But it's probably the greatest opportunity humanity has ever been offered.

TED Talk by Shermin Voshmgir @sherminvo
3. A smart contract sounds like some new-fangled annoyance.

But it's computer code that solves previously unsolvable problems.

TED Talk by Olga Mack @OlgaVMack
4. NFTs might seem like a scam or a fad.

But in fact, they are sexy new tools that are building us a better future.

TED Talk by Kayvon Tehranian @saturnial
5. Many people think web3 is just for crypto bros.

But it can make a teenage girl in Bangladesh the equivalent of a middle-aged man in Silicon Valley.

TEDx Talk by Laura Shin @laurashin
6. Education systems are woefully inadequate.

But with blockchain technology people can access the highest quality education anytime and anywhere.

TEDx Talk by John Domingue @johndmk
7. Humanity seems to be facing more challenges than ever.

But web3 can bring us closer to a world of justice, equality and freedom for all.

TEDx Talk by Hasnaeen Rizvi Rahman @hasnaeen
8. Whether you like it or not, your private information is being stolen and sold online.

But in web3, only you control your data.

TEDx Talk by Zenobia Godschalk @zenobiaZAG
9. Cynics say web3 will be just another version of the web that exploits users.

But web3 is a new paradigm that puts power directly in the hands of artists, content creators and users.

@emilychangtv chats with @katie_haun
10. Musicians have historically been exploited.

But in web3, musicians can own their art, build their community and make a viable living.

@mattmedved and @samhysell talk with @CallMeLatasha
11. Cryptocurrencies may be volatile at times.

But web3 still gives artists security and economic stability.

@CamiRusso talks with @YKarkai
12. Trade secrets, intellectual property, control of a scarce resource are all core components of capitalism.

But they are outdated in web3.

Ali Yahya @alive_eth on how the blockchain rewrites business models and creates opportunity
13. Ethereum might seem impossible for you and me to understand.

But with the right explanation anyone can grasp how it works.

@naval talks with Ethereum creator @vitalik
14. Founders traditionally care only about their own companies.

But web3 founders are supremely focused on building a better world.

@vitalik talks building democracies, cities and states
15. Wealth building has always been reserved for the 1%.

But in web3, social tokens and DAOs allow individuals to create wealth rather than just revenue.

@CamiRusso talks with @thattallguy Jess Sloss
16. Gamers are often considered losers, wasting away their time.

But in web3, gamers become owners and get paid to play.

@SahilBloom and @gregisenberg talk with @Jihoz_Axie of Axie Infinity
17. In the past, only nation states could print money.

But in web3, individuals can make their own digital currency.

@APompliano talks with @Bradley_Miles_
18. Technology and human rights haven't always gone hand in hand.

But web3 technology empowers activists and human rights orgs to create immediate change.

@mattmedved and @samhysell talk with @pussyrrriot's @tolokno
19. Life online sucks because it's controlled by big tech.

But in web3, ownership shifts to the user and together we can create a powerful new experience.

@laurashin @gaby_goldberg @chaserchapman @patrickxrivera
20. Most people spend their lives doing jobs they don't like.

But in web3, you can earn a living doing work you love. All you need is 100 true fans.

@ddwchen and @anay_sim talk with @ljin18
21. Businesses have traditionally been built around products and services.

But in web3, businesses are built around community.

@sahilbloom and @gregisenberg talk with @alexisohanian
22. People might think web3 is just a few crazy people with crazier ideas.

But web3 is a global movement that is building a very new world.

@LaurieSegall talks with @cdixon
That's it, folks. I hope this was useful.

If you enjoyed it, please share by retweeting the first tweet.

I write about the ideas, trends and people shaping web3 and our future. You can follow me @MishadaVinci.
Learning web3 on your own can be overwhelming.

Join my course and get into the game, the easy way.

But hurry, May 2nd is the last day to register.

More from Misha

Web3 is loaded with non-tech career opportunities.

But you must take the right steps.

Here's how to get a career in web3:

Learn the Fundamentals

Start with the key terms.

Study—till you understand them inside and out.

Here's a list of 50+ terms you need to

Make use of YouTube

There are excellent channels where you can find simplified explanations of all aspects of web3.

Try Whiteboard Crypto, Simplilearn, and Daap University.

Go deeper with the best resources.

My favorites are the Crypto, NFT and DAO canons by @smc90 @cdixon and the team @a16z.

Here's the OG Crypto

Understand how the blockchain actually works.

A top-notch resource is the Foundations of Blockchains Lecture Series by Columbia professor

More from All

Unfortunately the "This work includes the identification of viral sequences in bat samples, and has resulted in the isolation of three bat SARS-related coronaviruses that are now used as reagents to test therapeutics and vaccines." were BEFORE the

chimeric infectious clone grants were there. is in 2017, Rs4231. is in 2016, RsSHC014 and RsWIV16. is in 2013, RsWIV1. notice that this is before the beginning of the project

starting in 2016. Also remember that they told about only 3 isolates/live viruses. RsSHC014 is a live infectious clone that is just as alive as those other "Isolates".

P.D. somehow is able to use funds that he have yet recieved yet, and send results and sequences from late 2019 back in time into 2015,2013 and 2016! Ref 3: Why ALL your pangolin samples were PCR negative? to avoid deep sequencing and accidentally reveal Paguma Larvata and Oryctolagus Cuniculus?

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