10 harsh lessons that took me years to learn, but you get in the next 5 mins:

1. Your biggest supporter is a stranger & your biggest doubter is someone you know.

You expect the people closest to you to support you.

Most of the time, they won’t.

Not to the standard you’d like.

Don’t stress…

Absolute strangers will make you rich.
2. A degree is just a piece of paper.

In today's society, a degree alone is meaningless in most industries.

You need to have real-life skills to back it up.

How are you setting yourself apart?

Your value doesn’t come from how hard you work, but how irreplaceable you are.
3. Nobody cares about your business as much as you do.

The harsh reality is that no one will ever care about your business as much as you do…

You’re the owner.

If you want people to support your business, you need to offer them something in exchange.

Provide value.
4. Your life is your responsibility.

Where you are now is due to all the decisions you’ve made up until here…

Nobody else can make decisions for you. Just you.

Nobody else is to blame. Just you.

Taking accountability is the first step to fixing it.
5. Life isn’t fair.

It sucks to say but life isn’t fair at all…

We’re all born into different circumstances we can’t control.

Some are born privileged.

Others are born into poverty.

We can’t always control our circumstances but we can control how we react to them.
6. Hard times are necessary

If you had no hard times in life, you’d have no reason to work hard…

You’d be content.

Hard times make us uncomfortable & force us to grow.

They also help us appreciate the good times.

Tough times don’t last, but tough mofos do.
7. Time is your most valuable resource.

All our lives we’re so focused on one thing: Money.

Not realizing that we’re spending all our time chasing it.

The only thing is…

You can make back lost money.

You can’t make back lost time.

Don’t realize this too late.
8. Anything worth having won’t come easy.

Good things take time to be built…

- Businesses
- Friendships
- Relationships

Be wary of anything that seems too good to be true.

If it was that easy to obtain, everyone would have it.
9. You’re going to fail.

Failure is inevitable, it happens to everyone.

What matters is how you handle your failures…

You can either:

1. Give up when it gets hard
2. Learn from your failure and do better the next time

A failure isn’t a loss. You can only lose when you quit.
10. Not everyone will like you.

You don’t like everyone, right?

So how can you expect everyone to like you?

Instead of trying to please others and make everyone happy…

Focus on making the 1 person that really matters happy.

Thank you to everyone who made it this far.

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