There are many things in life you try hard not to remember.

But there are others you can't afford to forget.

Here are 11 of the most powerful:

Time Heals

The burden you're carrying today will be lighter tomorrow.

The wound you incurred last week won't hurt as bad next week.

The shattering setback from last year will be a lesson learned next year.

Get through today and let tomorrow do its job.
Hope Helps

Hope is risky.

It feels safer to live without it.

If you don't hope, you can't hurt.

But hope shapes a vision of a better future.

It gives you the ability to endure and keep going.

Don't surrender to the safety of despair.
Struggles Shape

The idea of a life free of difficulty sounds ideal.

Of course you're drawn to it.

But it's in the struggle that you are forged and formed.

Challenge, discomfort, adversity - these are what your soul needs for growth.

Don't escape them. Embrace them.
Work Wins

Under Augustus Caesar, the Romans adopted a motto:

Labor Omnia Vincit ⏤

"Work conquers all."

When in doubt,

Put your head down and get to work.
Forgiveness Frees

Forgiving someone costs you.

You surrender your right to be wounded,

And that feels so unfair in the moment.

But, yesterday is gone for good.

Holding onto past wrongs,

Binds you to things you can never change.

Forgive. Even if it's for selfish reasons.
Happiness Exists

Deep happiness can be found,

If you look in the right place.

We're lured by empty promises ⏤

Buy this. Achieve that. Change them.

But happiness exists inside you, not outside.

Don't waste energy trying to arrange your world.

Spend it on being happy.
Anger Erodes

I remind myself of one thing regularly:

The last thing the world needs from me is my anger.

All of its forms - outrage, indignation, impatience, frustration -

Damage everything they touch.

Most importantly, they damage you.
Strength Saves

You have a unique strength to offer.

The world around you needs your:

Creativity, compassion, wisdom, empathy, work ethic, leadership, insight, determination, laughter, perspective, listening, objectivity...

Step up and offer your strength.

The time is now.
Feelings Change

My heart was broken when I was 14.

I knew that I would *never* love again.

The feelings were very real.

And temporary.

Feelings are important and you should listen to them.

But they're also fickle.

Use caution when trusting them.
Consistency Conquers

Most days are a grind.

Work is monotonous. Relationships get stale. Your workout isn't working.

But some days, there's magic.

You're strong, you see progress, you break through.

You don't get one without the other.

Show up.
Things Fade

Careers fade.

Power fades.

Esteem fades.

Beauty fades.

Strength fades.

Money fades.

Build your life around that which does not fade.
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