Ok. Bug out Bag / Car bag. This is going to be a long thread. Keep in mind this is a bag/kit designed around having a bag that you can throw in your car and use from there. Not a gun bag or a backpack which I will likely touch on at a later time.

This sprung from the observation of people who were stuck in traffic near DC because of bad weather and some didn’t even have the means to keep themselves hydrated, let alone warm. This thread goes overboard on that concept with the idea of, if i have to make it X miles…
what might i need?

So here goes. My main bag is massive. I wanted something like a duffle that i could move in and out of my car as needed.

MH makes amazing tents and bags. The color isnt ideal, but for something that will be in the car its fine.

I bought about four different packing pod styles. First Spear summit bags, mystery ranch zoid, Patagonia black holes, and spiritus systems wantons.

All of them are pretty well made and all serve a kind of unique purpose with what your packing.
If i had to choose the best, it’s between the mystery ranch and the Patagonia. If it was purely for rucking, it would be spiritus.

So clothes. The first thing i tried to keep in mind is layers. Rain/wind/ cold.
1st layer; poly pro Long handle/ninja suit. This is the thing shit that you can sleep in and move in if its not too strenuous. I pack the super thin layers, but i also have waffled upper and lowers.

2nd layer; insulator/work. Depending on weather this is a shirt with….
A smoking jacket or a harder shelled jacket to insulate and maybe cheat the wind. A good example of this is an Atom LT. DONT spend this kind of money, because there are plenty of jackets that do this without the cost.

But think of it as an insulating layer with some water resistance and youll be fine.

3rd Layer: wind/water SHELL. This is a no shit super thin layer that repels water and wind. Marmot/northface/Patagonia nearly everyone makes these and you can pick them up pretty cheap
For lower it’s literally no different.

I keep a single set of each layer in a black hole or MR zoid. I also pack wool/athletic socks in the 1st layer.

I also pack a neck gaiter, and some sort of warm beanie. Minimal room, maximum comfort when you need it.
Water/food. Right off the bat. I keep a case of bottled water in my car. ALWAYS. But if i need a filter, or i need to boil it, or cook food, i also have a lightweight means.

Filters; i have a steripen with 2x change of batteries and a nalgene specifically for that system.
Contd: i also have an MSR pump filter with a bladder and nalgene specifically for that system as well.

I have the nalgenes separate to decrease cross contamination of it were to occur, and gives me a few ways to hold water.

I also have a shower bladder in addition….
To the dromedary bladder for the MSR pump.

Food: everyone loves jetboils. I do too. But if fuel cans freeze, or cant be found youre kind of fucked. So in addition to that and 3 cans. I have an MSR whisperlite, that runs on gas, diesel, alcohol and probably the blood of virgins.
Its one of the most versatile stoves i have and has gotten me out of a score of binds when ive been camping.

I also keep 3 days of MRES. AND 3 days of MTN house/backpacker pantry. Food in a wonton bag
Most of whats next is really odds and ends, and serves as more of a reminder than requirement.

-all weather sleep system. Mil surplus places sell 3 layer sleep systems fairly cheap, and while heavy are absolutely amazing, just the bivy alone is a life saver
- Toiletries- nothing is a moral booster better than a dry ass and clean teeth. A small zoid/wonton full of travel size toiletries keeps things light and easy to pack. That said, i keep a big ass bottle of gold bond handy.

-non emergent meds- Ibuprofen, Tylenol, pepto bismol…
Cought drops, nyquil etc…. All shit that you dont need. But will help in the long run for protracted movements.

- batteries/solar- i keep a solar accessory charger in my car that allows me to charge everything except a laptop. I have an outlet car charger for that
But i also have a lithium jump starter for my car. The intent is to be able to power everything i need by fuel or batteries for roughly one week. That means having a way to charge via solar or vehicle and being able to start my vehicle as well.

- spare boots shoes- we all know to pack a spare pare of boots/shoes. I use keen because they are durable and not insanely hot or heavy, but offer a lot of water proofing.

The real pro move too is packing shower shoes as well. Hear me out.
Showering, washing something down barefoot sucks, putting wet feet back into shoes sucks. Shower shoes are simple game changer and super light.
I said in the space that i wont touch gun bags or med bags. I dont plan to. But consider this bag as a sustainment bag in the triangle of bags you would want to consider for an emergency. And consider how you would silo/pack them so you’re not redundant.
So. Its a lot of shit, and its basically like a camp bag on roids. But its good for peace of mind and the ability to be comfortable if your ass gets stranded on the road. Or you have to bug out for distances.
Some final suggestions/ thoughts. I didnt go into tools because its a rabbit hole and super subjective, but i keep a multi tool and a knife at a minimum in the bag. And Blankets/woobies always consider having one.
If you have QS you know what to do.

Ill post some pics of the bag and gear later tonight ran out of thread space.
This whole thread was interesting because it turns into a really subjective rabbit hole but the view that I wanted was to pack this under was I needed to drive multi day and sustain myself from my car. Fuel is weird convo and how you get it is situation dependent

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Master Thread of all my threads!

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2. @sourabhsiso19
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