I've explored over a thousand landing pages.

Here's how to make yours better:

Tip #1: Copywriting matters!

When people visit your site, they want to know:
1) What is it?
2) How does it help me?

It usually leads to them explored more of your site.

Helpful Tool: https://t.co/M7DQ9gB7Po
Tip #2: Videos, GIFs and Images are gold

It can get boring when a site only has just text. Toss in some images, GIFs, or videos here and there!

Helpful Tool: https://t.co/hoShYFeUAT
Tip #3: Highlight the important parts

Not only does it look nice, it catches the attention of others as it stands out from the rest of the text, usually being important!

Example: https://t.co/y4lCGTcdAd
Tip #4: Backgrounds and Colours

Usually backgrounds are simple for sites, black or white. Adding a background (or just a gradient) can help out especially if it represents your site in a visual format.

Examples: https://t.co/y0dfE2iIw0 & https://t.co/0Jk1ie62Ig
Tip #5: Add waitlists

If your product is under development/in beta or just about to release a feature but want early users, waitlist are a great way to get users on early to test stuff out!

Examples: https://t.co/xDewgbXjWC & https://t.co/421Gj1hOA8
Tip #6: Testimonials!

Who uses your product? It may be hard to get testimonials before you release your product at first, but after, adding this can make your product seem "legit" to others.

Example: https://t.co/KaqHo67GHg
Helpful Tool: https://t.co/OS2hNkAzvB
Tip #7: "Showoff" your features

If someone visits their site, you want to turn them from a visitor, to a user, to a customer. Make them want to use your product, how? Throughout your landing page, tell them what features you have.

Example: https://t.co/jNb43fu3lT
Tip #8: Offer Free Trials

Making people pay straight away for a product can lead to not as many users as you tend to have. People want to try out the product before making a final decision.

Example: https://t.co/ytCr90LDG1
Tip #9: Test Responsiveness

It's good not to have your site accessible in either a mobile view or a web/desktop view, responsiveness is important.

Helpful Tool: https://t.co/s8TTdIprqv
Tip #10: Boost SEO and Loading Speed

You want to appear when people search for certain keywords, it increases visibility of your site. You also want to make sure your site loads fast because it can make or break your user' experiences.

Helpful Tool: https://t.co/HSdTGqhxC1
Tip #11: Don't be afraid of Whitespace

Adding a bit of whitespace on your site can increase readability. It may seem like a bad thing, having a lot of "empty" space, but it's an essential part on your website.

Example: https://t.co/bb0TXJNu5r
Tip #12: Why you?

What makes you stand out from all the other products similar to yours? Provide that information, it will likely get the reader to sign up.

Example: https://t.co/jFu8DVJTW9
Tip #13: Get to the Point

People don't have all day, make the most of it while they are on your site. Think of it like your under a certain amount of time and you need to show these visitors what you have to offer.

Examples: https://t.co/b4UfPhOn8x & https://t.co/LALtln6KZX
Tip #14: Summarize the site in the Footer

Your site probably has too many pages and it can be hard for everyone to remember them. Footers on each page are great for this!

Example: https://t.co/C1UHS66AdI
Tip #15: Transparent Pricing

If you are charging for your product, make sure that you have full transparent pricing. Don't hide extra fees that people will have to pay later on, state it all here.

Example: https://t.co/Vunt4XCYPK
Tip #16: Include a Demo

Some people don't want to sign up for your product at first glance, include a demo of what they might see when they do try it out, it helps them have a first impression.

Example: https://t.co/RZBDKPEbMx
Thanks for reading!

I'm writing threads weekly to help you out.
Don't miss out! Follow me @heybereket

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