Ganga Snan-Taking bath in sacred Ganga River.Will this act wash away our paap and lead to Moksha?#Thread

Lakhs of people perform Ganga Snan all around the year.

There is an interesting story which explains that mere Ganga Snan won’t wash away paap or help in achieving Moksha.

Once Bhagwan Shiva&Parvati Devi was traveling on earth.Parvati saw so many people heading towards River Ganga to take bath.Parvati wondered if all these people will attain Moksha by bathing in Ganga&asked to Shiva.If they get moksha then there would not be enough space in swarga.
Shiva laughed&said that only a few among them will get Moksha.Only a person who has come with firm belief,devotion& pious mind will get Moksha.

Most of these people who take ganga snan have come to perform it as a mere custom.Some are here to show off that they are religious.
Bhagwan Shiva also told Paravati that one who is really praying for Moksha will attain it on this earth itself&for such people taking ganga snan¬ taking it is of same value.
Devi argued that lakhs of people have come from far off places for ganga snan must be spiritual &good.
Shiva agreed to prove that he was right.Shiva disguised as a sick person with leprosy.Parvati devi as his beautiful wife&went to banks of Ganga.Parvati devi as wife started asking people to help her husband perform Ganga Snan so that he will be cured of leprosy,but in vain.
Shiva as person with leprosy told Parvati that he would pretend to fall down.Then he asked her cry&ask for help but with a condition that his body must be touched only by a person with no paap.
Bhagwan Shiva told Parvati devi to see what all happens after that for herself.
As planned Shiva as person with leprosy fell down& Parvati devi cried for help.Lot of people came to help her,but she told them that one without any paap only could touch & help him.Everyone moved away slowly.After some time,one unruly person came forward to help them.
When she asked that person if he has no paap,he told he has done paap but that's not a problem. He told "Many say that our paap will get washed away after ganga snan".Saying this,he suddenly jumped into Ganga &came back with his wet clothes.He said now all his paap had gone.
Parvati allowed him to touch the her husband& lift him.
Also he helped to take ganga snan.After helping them,that person went away without asking anything but namaste to them.
Shiva then said to Parvati devi that the man who helped the leper has already attained Moksha.
Though many people were there for ganga snan,only one person out there helped.He beilved that paap will go away after ganga snan.

Many people just follow the rituals for the sake of it with no faith or bhakti.But only few people have tremendous belief in power of River Ganga.
Swarg will never become full, nor Narag will be empty ever.

Just Believe in whatever you do.Don't always question certain customs/rituals.
There will be some significant reason behind it.Our Ancestors are more knowledgeable.

Bhakti is a way to Mukti.
Thanks for reading 🙏
📸 - respective owners

Source text - based on a story in the book titled 'Moksha Sadhana Rahasyam' by freedom fighter Subramanya Siva /various blogs about this story

Om Namah Shivaya 🙏

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