Once, Rishi Mrikandu n his wife Marudvati did extreme tapasya to please Shiva in the hope of getting a child
Shiva asked them to choose between an ordinary son with long life or a brilliant son with a short lifespan.

They chose a brilliant child and, thus, Markandeya was born. The exceptional child became famous specially for his mastery over Mahamritunjaya Jaap or Maha mantram.
At the age of 16, he came to know about his impending death. Then one day, Yama (Devta of death) came to take him.
Markandeya ran to Triprangode and clung to the Shivlingam. Yama threw his noose/rope at him to take away his atman. The rope not only encircled Markandeya but also the Shivlingam.
Shiva, who is beyond life and death, was enraged.
@GampaSD @SriRamya21
He erupted from the Shivalingam in a fiery incarnation, which is called the ‘Kaalakalayi’ or the ‘bringer of death to death itself’. He reduced Yama to ashes and saved Markandeya blessing him with eternal life. The pond in which Shiva washed his trident is considered sacred.
At the request of Devas, Shiva revived Yama.
The 3 steps Shiva took to destroy Yama gave the name-tri padam kode (now Tripangode). Three separate Mandirs here denote the 3 steps.
The fiery form of Shiva that appeared to save Markandeya is called Kalasamhara Murti.

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