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American History X is such a watchable movie, for all the truth it tells without trying to tell it.

Two brothers become very racist after their dad, a firefighter, is shot by a black while trying to put out a fire at a house.

The older brother becomes a hardcore white nationalist.

He beats a bunch of crips at a basketball game (the dude ain't too racist to play basketball with the blacks apparently) and they are angry about it, so they try to steal his truck, he hears them, comes out, and he shoots one and curb stomps the other, killing him.

Derek goes to prison, decides the Aryan Brotherhood are a bunch of pussy LARPers, who then end up beating and raping him, then he befriends a black guy for the rest of his time in prison, and gets out a "reformed" man.

We're introduced to his little brother, who is a wignat edgelord kid, and when he has to do an essay on civil rights he chooses mein kampf as the topic and this pisses off his jewish teacher and black principle.
If you don't think this is true, just look at the absolute inhumane ghouls in the comments.

I am eternally grateful for the guys I know I can always count on, but this isn't the norm--male friendship is in complete crisis.

(//Short thread)

There are a lot of causes. The monstrosity that is all-pervasive homosexual propaganda, that's a cause. And I absolutely believe that male friendships are one of the primary threats to the regime, and that it encourages or at least naturally causes this catastrophic dissolution.2

Small, intense, groups of men have possibly catalyzed more regime changes than any other group. France, multiple times in Rome, America, maybe Russia, and so on.

These groups require intense candor & trust--the ability to express real ideas. Not your avg fantasy football squad.3

This, combined with the severe lack of male excellence (also explicitly endorsed by our social regime) means that male-male cohesion is pretty much dead.

And this doesn't just matter for "regime change." It matters for your community.

In crisis, in upheaval, in uncertainty, you want a group of men from your community who have formed each other in virtue to step to the plate, not the petty power leeches and bootlickers that love such times.

And most importantly: men, you yourselves need this.
The problem I have with "the Cathedral" is the idea of modern tyranny as an emergent phenomenon rather than a machine driven and operated by interested parties.

It's a dressed up way of saying "come on, do you think everyone is in on it?" As if this is a necessary condition.

The real answer is more complicated—no, the tyranny is not the result of a meticulously-managed top-down conspiracy that everyone is "in on"—it's the result of compartmentalization.

Complex operations and the roles of individual players within them are constructed, guided, and acted out on a need-to-know basis. Anyone who has ever worked on a government contract knows this: you may only know what's needed to perform your specific task, no more.

It's really not that complicated at all, we can even see it at play within something as mundane as an office workplace. Low level folks don't know the inner workings of the company's financials, what big wigs discuss in corner offices, etc.—they just show up and work.

Think of a scam as complex as, say, Enron. When the whole scandal broke, most of the company—the lower level people—were simply having the rug pulled out from under them because they had no idea how bad things actually were.
#DontLookUp is the ultimate demonstration of leftists' unwarranted smugness and lack of self-awareness.

If you haven't seen the movie, allow me to save you the 2.5 insufferable hours. 🧵

The premise is that two astronomers, Leo and JLaw, discover a massive 9km-wide comet heading straight for Earth, predicting a 99.7% chance of impact in six months. Black NASA Guy does a Peer Review™ for them. The film uses this as an analogy for global warming. Yes, really.

Already, we have an unbearably affected, histrionic comparison: in the leftist mind, global warming—a long, slow, and extremely overblown process—is exactly like a planet-killer object with a near-100% certainty of striking the Earth & killing us all. Off to a great start.

This sort of overly-dramatic, unreasonable comparison isn't unlike those found with regard to C_VID policy: "you wear a seatbelt, don't you?" Masking to stop a weak-ass virus is just like wearing a seatbelt to keep from being thrown through the windshield in a car crash.

As an aside, I found it extremely funny how they made JLaw's character look like the Zoomer Wojak Yerba Mate Witchtokker, as if you just spotted her smoking a cigarette in the corner of a basement house show in Logan Square or something. Very relatable! 🙄
Let's do a short thread on this incredibly common misunderstanding because why not.

Here is the thing: war is kinda like sex. No matter what you've heard about it, a surprising amount of it is actually fairly *consensual*. This is a fantastically important point that most people seem to miss.

What does "consent" mean in this context? Well, imagine a weapon system, like, say, an AH-64 Apache. This is an aircraft designed to provide air support and blow up tanks. For it to be effective, the enemy has to consent to a form of warfare where there are tanks to blow up!

This isn't getting into whether the enemy is able to shoot one of these babies down or not. For an Apache to actually do much of anything useful, the form of warfare being waged has to occur within certain boundaries. Ergo: the war has to be a specific *kind* of war.

In warfare, consent can be *denied*. As in: actor A has a military that will most certainly win if the war is fought in a manner where A has an advantage over B. Therefore, B simply *refuses* to be fixed into the constraints where A will certainly win.