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Master list of how to SCRAPE any category of leads.

Ecommerce, local biz, B2B, LinkedIn searches, info product sellers, enterprise, ANYTHING.

Likes / Retweets appreciated.


1/ Ecommerce Stores


Further filter based on apps installed.

Selling email marketing?

Shopify + Klaviyo

Instantly unlock direct email addresses of decision makers WITH LinkedIn profiles.

Emails are already verified, no need to do it yourself.

2/ Local Biz

Use https://t.co/B53qu5yEIy

"Find B2C local businesses"

Specify country, state, city, sort by ratings.

Instantly unlocks generic email addresses.

But wait

You need direct owner emails.

Take the list of domains, and plug them into Klean Leads "Find B2B contacts"


It will process and spit out *direct* email addresses of the titles you specify.

3/ LinkedIn Searches

Let's scrape marketing agencies.

Go to LinkedIn and type in "marketing agency" (just an example)

Click "all filters"

Connections: 2nd, 3rd

Location: US

Industry: Marketing & Advertising

Titles: owner OR founder OR CEO OR CMO


Let's scrape it
The emergence of many new hypocrisies typically heralds an emerging new cultural synthesis.

Are you disturbed that you agree with one of those viewpoints? Or perhaps that other people you respect do?


Let me offer a framework for thinking about things like this, something called an “Omega Event.”

It was first described to me by Erik Martin, one of Reddit's first community managers:

In governance, Omega Events exist due to the fact that no system of beliefs, no worldview, no set of rules, can account for everything that will ever happen.

Eventually someone (or some group) will do something that lies outside the scope of all existing rules, and you will have to make decisions again from first principles.

Sometimes the Omega Event emerges from the confluence of many unrelated factors. When it does, it is wholly different from anything you’ve encountered.