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Thread of some posts about diversity & inclusion I've written over the years. I still stand behind these.

(I'm resharing bc a few folks are suggesting Jeremy's CoC experience ➡️ partially our fault for promoting diversity, we should change our values, etc. Nope!)


Math & CS have been my focus since high school/the late 90s, yet the sexism & toxicity of the tech industry drove me to quit. I’m not alone. 40% of women working in tech leave. (2015)

https://t.co/NGNSxnnAdt 2/

Superficial, showy efforts at diversity-washing are more harmful than doing nothing at all. Research studies confirm this (2015)

https://t.co/1t6T4LKqiA 3/

The primary reason women leave the tech industry is because they are treated unfairly, underpaid, less likely to be fast-tracked, and not given a fair chance to advance. (2016)

https://t.co/NkVc5Yseo9 4/

Diversity Crisis in AI, 2016 (written the week we publicly launched fast ai, this has been a core value from the start): https://t.co/hejGQTHGwU

Diversity Crisis in AI, 2017 edition: https://t.co/Owwt8C14yh 5/
It always enrages me how when white people engage in criminal activity, other white people look for the social or systemic reasons to “explain” why a white person did a bad thing and why it’s not really their fault.

Yet, these same individuals cast aspersions on the entire Black race when one Black person commits a crime. There’s no systemic or social analysis for Black people, no. Instead they make crimes committed by Black people pathological, a virtue of our very Blackness.

Whiteness affords itself the privilege of individualism such that when white people commit crimes, the entire white race isn’t implicated. When a white person commits a crime, they “strayed from their true nature.” When a Black person commits a crime, “it is our true nature.”

That’s because in the white racial imagination, whiteness is a state of pure and unassailable innocence, and it can only be imagined as such if it casts Blackness in the role of pure and immutable evil.

This explains why laws and all other institutional rules, customs, traditions, and practices are applied differently based on race—negatively impacting, stigmatizing, traumatizing, and killing Black people.
👉🏾But I see that we are, to a great extent, producing a self-collapsing Christianity, insofar as our converts are told that the only important thing to do is to win more converts. It’s like getting the people into the armed forces, and they ask what they are supposed to do. 1/

Oh well, you are supposed to recruit.” Then they recruit more and more people, and set them also to recruiting still other people. Some day someone says, “Aren’t we supposed to be fighting a war?” “Oh yeah, there’s a war.” ... 2/

Church Mission-which is absolutely basic & absolutely valid-is to extend the faith & transform people into reliable people of integrity. Kingdom Mission is when the church stops thinking abt itself & its members & pursues God’s will in this world, not just pursues more members.3/

In his book Church Shift, Sunday Adelaja, the pastor of the largest church in Europe, says that when members do things like help in the nursery and direct traffic on Sunday, that’s not mission. It’s church housekeeping. 👀 4/

The church exists to extend the glory of God & His will in society whether or not it makes advances in church membership. Many are leaving the church today because what secular people are doing is more exciting, more relevant, concrete, & may seem to be more Biblically valid. 5/