hahah I love this energy I'm seeing like a masculine who is waiting and day dreaming and very sweet and it's like they are both the knight of cups and the emperor but what's fascinating is the feminine is also the emperor? lmao so the way it's playing out is the masculine is

kind of like off waiting for the feminine to get their work done I see this feminine being really focused, sitting working at a computer, writing in a notebook, or a sketchpad, i'm seeing a red pen/marker, I feel like the whole month of october the feminine was very busy and this
masculine was like no it's okay I know you've got stuff to do I'm going to just wait and do my thing and I know you know I'll be here when you're done and it's kind of funny I think this feminine doesn't even realize hahaha The empress also came out 🌚 I do feel like essentially
whatever this like big push to do all this work was is coming to a place where yes like it's still there that "down to business' energy is there but this empress / emperor feminine is very balanced and it feels like someone stepping into a place of creation and manifestation and
phewwwwie that hard work has paid off with the ten of pentacles I tell you. I'm seeing that this feminine is also walking away from anyone who is like I guess not picking up the phone let's put it that way like if someone is sleeping on them or like the knight of cups can be kind
of the wishy washy knight in my book where they are there one minute and not the next this energy of the emperor/empress is like "no. thanks I know there is something so much better" and really releasing anything that isn't TRULY there you know? Like only taking what shows up and
really is tangible and creates a sense of community, happiness, this ten of pentacles isn't the shallow type this really does show that like deep fulfilment that normally is lacking in other ten of pentacles it shows a family enjoying one another and you can see how that doesn't
just *happen* one of my friends told me that talking about her own family and marriage how she's been married for almost ten years with two kids and how it's taken a long time for her and her husband to really get to a place where they are *comfortable* and *can talk* and *get*
one another. she was like *it's work* and I think that really shows up in this ten of pentacles too I feel like it can be easy to be dreamy like that knight of cups like everything will just fall into your lap one day and it will magically work itself out but in real life there
is mess involved and people are complex and it takes effort and dedication to truly build what it is you are after. Maybe people in the spiritual community would disagree with this as "things aren't meant to be hard" but life is kind of hard sometimes and you can't decide how
others you interact with are experiencing life and how they experience you either. All you can do is respond according to what you are faced with and how it feels right to you. and being aware and responding rather than reacting is the key there right? I'm sure you've heard that
a few times by now. The outcome of this is the eight of pentacles which i talked about recently to me this is the most romantic card in the deck and in this deck it's a very devoted card this honestly shows a couple who will work together and build something together this is
someone who works hard on their business and their career and is building their career yes but this is also a couple who will support and love each other and stick around when things get tough and be loyal to one another too. This is likely a new connection after leaving
something behind that no longer fit because it was more of a dream and less tangible. like i said it feels like someone was sleeping on it. but i also do feel like this masculine is just like five feet away lmfao You know what i mean like maybe you two just haven't met each
others eyes yet like i've said this before too it's when you are so busy focused on something else you forget to look up and you don't look at the thing that's been looking at you. that's the energy. i feel like the ace of swords here is showing that soon enough you will realize
and see what this is and you don't need to stress or worry about it so much the ten of swords here is empowered there is the release with the full moon which you know you are doing and go bravely as you are. I see this unfolding beautifully for you as you do. Thank you

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@Suman68082748 @thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 Lets stop the criticism guys. The lad is good. Losses happen. Losses to unranked players happen too. As do wins vs top 10ers. Let's accept both. Remember Sumit and the likes of him are the best we have. See the bigger picture please.

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 When the Europeans or South Americans were getting quality practice and tourneys week in week out at reasonable costs, our kids were playing on dung courts or learning outdated serve and volley on grass. Appreciate the fact that the last 10 years have been a hell lot better than

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 the 10 before that. Real change can't come in a day or even in 10 years. So let's grit our teeth and bide our time till we have an organic self sustaining system in place.

@siyer30 @SportaSmile @Cric_Writer @RomilShukla @amanthejourno

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 @siyer30 @SportaSmile @Cric_Writer @RomilShukla @amanthejourno Tennis is my favourite sport in the universe. Has always been. Will always be. I was in love with Steffi and Pete a lot before I fell for Sachin. And while I would love every toddler in my family to play sports professionally, I won't encourage them to pursue my favourite sport.

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 @siyer30 @SportaSmile @Cric_Writer @RomilShukla @amanthejourno It will be career suicide. In other sports, I can actually plan for my ward to be the next Lin Dan or the next Tiger Woods or the next Schumacher even from a base in India. With tennis, in 2020 I can't do that realistically. Just doesn't adds up. Even for total freaks of nature.

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