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I don’t like being right about this, Tom, believe me. 😡
If you showed someone this Tweet last year, who would they think won the election?
Lifelong learning is a competitive advantage.

But contrary to what you’ve been told, lifelong learners are built, not born.

THREAD: 20 lifelong learning habits you can start developing today.

Stimulate Dynamically

The mind is a muscle - it needs to be stimulated dynamically to continue to grow.

Don’t rely on one “exercise” - develop a menu of options.

Write, read, listen, watch. Solve puzzles, play games. Enjoy it!

Stimulate dynamically, learn dynamically.

Build Learning Circles

The most powerful learning is communal, not individual.

Build learning circles with other intellectually curious minds.

Engage regularly with no set intention or goal.

Community is everything. Embrace it.

Keep Asking Why

“Why?” is the most useful tool in our learning toolkit.

But somewhere along the line, we are told to stop asking why and just accept “facts” as we are told them.

Reject the norm.

If you want to understand the world, take a cue from our kids - keep asking why!

Adopt a Process Orientation

Prioritize process.

Learn for the sake of learning, not always for a specific goal.

When you prioritize process, you become flexible in where you are headed.

Life is a winding, confusing journey - forward progress is all that matters.
This is a good piece by @AaronBlake. I've been scratching my head over claims that there was something in this trove of emails that implicated Fauci in something bad because pretty much everything matched up with what was being said publicly at whatever time the emails were from.

One thing that's occurred to me over the past few years is that there's a sense that the mere *existence* of emails is seen as evidence of wrongdoing, which is obviously nonsense.

It played out that way when it came to the DNC and Podesta emails in 2016, the Hunter Biden e-mails in 2020, these e-mails in 2021. It wasn't that there was much that was damning in, say, the DNC emails that helped sink Clinton's candidacy, but just their existence ...

... gave off a sense of corruption/scandal/etc., that weighed more heavily on people's perception of them as the result of them taking the form of a leak/data dump.

And it's kind of similar with the Fauci e-mails (which weren't leaked, but were FOIAed).

Anyway, again, @AaronBlake's post is a good and methodical breakdown of some of the bizarre claims being thrown about. If there's anything we didn't already know contained in those e-mails, I haven't seen it.
Today is the day

Wonder if @HouseJudiciary will ask Don McGahn why @JonesDay closed their Moscow office in 2019🤔

Wonder if @HouseJudiciary will ask McGahn (he & @JonesDay were @POTUS45 @VP45 @GOP CAMPAIGN counsel) why @Trump Org employees @alangarten @mattmaron @SergeyLysenko10 defended cancellation of CAMPAIGN™️®️ @uspto while McGahn was @WhiteHouse45 Counsel & @Reince was Chief of Staff🤔
MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump Is Now Privately Confirming His Support of a Summer Coup of the Biden Administration; If the Former President Has Engaged in Even a Single Act to Advance This Treacherous Plot He is Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy and Must Be Arrested Immediately

1/ Journalists need to be very careful in how they discuss this breaking news. Individuals who have provided cover for Trump repeatedly in the past—like Maggie Haberman—are reporting evidence of a possible seditious conspiracy as mere loose talk from an addled man. Sorry, but no.

2/ There are efforts afoot now in GA, AZ, NV, and WI to delegitimize Biden's victories there. Meanwhile, Trump advisors Flynn and Powell are saying that once those victories are delegitimized, the military should move in. If Trump is in on the conversations, it's a coup attempt.

3/ As anyone who has ever read a book or watched a movie or taken a history course knows, the most important element of a coup is the agreement of the individual who'll be installed as a nation's new president to participate in the installation. Without that there can be no coup.

4/ What Trump is privately doing, according to the NYT, is the *opposite* of what Lyndon Johnson famously did in saying that even if nominated he wouldn't run for president. Trump is telling the coup conspirators that he *will accept a re-installation* if they can make it happen.