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Remember, Trump waged a war on oversight, firing multiple Inspectors General, and replacing them with loyalists.

Today’s report that whitewashes Trump’s photo op at the church was written by one of Trump’s appointees.

Allowing them to stay does not protect our institutions.

We do not need Trump loyalists in government making policy recommendations.

Allowing them to remain does not strengthen our institutions, or public confidence in the same.

On the contrary, it weakens them.

Protecting and restoring faith in our institutions is exactly what we need to be doing right now.

But a fear of accusations of ‘partisanship’ can also be exploited by bad faith actors in ways that actively do the opposite.

The narrative war has not stopped.

Trump appointees in our government will attempt to whitewash his administration and cover up his wrongdoing, just as surely as Republicans are working to do the same in the Senate as we speak.

We simply, sadly, cannot afford to make the mistake of assuming good faith behavior.
Describing taxes paid as a share of wealth as a "true tax rate" is...untrue, given that the U.S. doesn't have a wealth tax. I appreciate that @ProPublica may support a wealth tax, but this framing is deceptive. As a share of income, the percentages would look much different.

The U.S. actually has the most progressive tax code in the developed world, because we don't have a national sales or consumption tax (i.e., a VAT).

Just to correct my initial tweet, the @ProPublica framing is about taxing unrealized capital gains, not total net worth. Still non-factual to describe that as a "true tax rate."

Now, if @ProPublica wanted to do a study of every industrialized country's tax codes, and what percentage of each country's tax revenue is contributed by the top 1% / 10% / 25%, *that* would be useful.

Another useful exercise would be to contemplate how much the @federalreserve's unprecedented monetary expansion has increased wealth inequality.
New, with more to come: DOJ under Biden is keeping up the previous admin's effort to take over Trump's defense against a defamation lawsuit filed by writer E. Jean Carroll — an effort Biden criticized during the campaign.

First brief under new admin:

Story: DOJ is keeping up an effort to try to take over Donald Trump's defense against a defamation case filed by writer E. Jean Carroll — an effort Biden criticized as a candidate last fall.

Key phrase in tonight's brief? "institutional interests"

This is the latest case that tests DOJ's traditional role of defending the power and prerogatives of the executive branch — any executive branch, regardless of president. What's unusual is that Biden had weighed in on this case specifically.

DOJ says Trump's comments about Carroll — who accused him of raping her more than 20 years ago — were "crude and disrespectful." Notably, that language does not appear in DOJ's prev. brief filed 1/15. But DOJ says the case isn't about what's "appropriate"

A federal district judge in Manhattan had rebuffed DOJ's effort last fall to substitute the US govt for Trump as the defendant. If the government ultimately wins, it would likely spell the end of Carroll's suit, since the US is immune against libel suits