AnJamison Authors Tomi T Ahonen

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Because the FBI raid of Donald Trump's home in Mar-A-Lago involved nuclear secret documents that Trump deliberately was hiding, it is a crime that that carries DECADES of prison. If he tried to sell them, he could see death penalty

This links my Threads

First Thread about the Mar-A-Lago search was written before we knew about the nuclear documents. But this shows you how bad the GENERAL raid was on Trump. You may find it useful to read this Thread

My second Thread is about Merrick Garland's short press conference. It discusses the search warrant. And how severe this was, how thorough DOJ has been, giving valuable background on what happened BEFORE this search

This is my first attempt at a 'serious' Thread relating to news about the nuclear secret news. It is also the early draft of what will become my 'Path 6' to take Trump to prison for life (certainly. My previous 5 Paths also take Trump to prison

I was first person to estimate prison time for total Trump crime waves. I have now updated that. This is my latest update of total Trump prison time, including a very conservative count of prelim nuclear secret
Quick thread on Bannon guilty verdict

Note. Bannon's trial was NOT about Jan 6th - he WILL face that trial too. This was about Bannon stupidly attempting to conceal his crimes

Let's do a quick Thread

First. Understand.. we know the 2 dozen organizers, plotters, planners of January 6th. They will ALL go to prison, for at least a decade, most for Life. Including the few who get plea bargains in the Grand #Flippathon

Bannon is one of original

But today Bannon's guilty conviction is a BONUS for us. He becomes literally the first of the January 6th ORGANIZERS to go to prison. And as a bonus, this is EXTRA time in prison Bannon serves, above and beyond his role in January 6th because of this attempt to conceal his crimes

Then consider what a catastrophic calamity this is for Bannon. He FEARS prison. He begged Trump for a pardon. He RECEIVED a pardon. And this he did AFTER his pardon, so his pardon does not shield Bannon from these new convictions, and prison time

Then look at Bannon's absurdly stupid destructive behavior during this trial. That is a public record. When his ACTUAL trial starts for January 6th, Bannon will have a history of defying the law - convicted twice - that is part of his record making his NEXT trial WORSE